Thursday, January 11, 2024

Emmett's 5th Birthday!

After realizing a few weeks ago that the girls and I would be flying out to Atlanta on Emmett's actual birthday, I quickly made plans to celebrate a few days earlier.  I invited my parents to come to our house for a birthday party on Sunday, January 7th.  This meant that I had to get all Christmas decorations put away, and the house cleaned of pine needles and sparkles, and be ready to host a dinner party earlier than normal.  It was a mad rush to get everything done, but I managed to be ready to host Emmett's little, Bluey-themed birthday party on the 7th.  We had to wait to start until 6:30 when Ron brought the girls home from a 6.5-hour long Matilda practice, but we managed to get through dinner, presents, and dessert by 8 p.m.  Emmett was so excited to celebrate his birthday and to open his gifts.  It was just the cutest thing to watch!  He loved every part of his special evening and loved all of his birthday gifts.  It was so fun to celebrate this special boy as he, often times, is the younger sibling that just get lost in the dust of his older siblings' busy lives. 
After celebrating his birthday on Sunday, I managed to make him waffles with whipped cream, strawberries, and sprinkles the day before we flew out on January 10th.  I also sent him to preschool that morning with homemade, chocolate chip cookies to share with his classmates.  I also had him pick out a little cake from the grocery store that he could eat with Logan on his actual birthday after Ron took the boys to McDonalds for dinner.  So, although I wasn't home for his real birthday, I tried to help it feel special as best as I could.  I love you, Emmett Keller!  The last five years have just been a nonstop whirlwind, but I am so grateful that you came into this world when you did!  I can't wait to see the exciting changes and progress that you make this coming year.

For some unexplained reason, Logan recently expressed an interest in learning how to play Poker.  So, I had Grandma bring her Tripoly game with them to teach the boys how to play while waiting for the girls to come home from play practice.

Since we recently put the train board up for the first time in over two years, I also had Grandpa take Emmett downstairs for some train time before dinner started.

The Bluey cake that I made for Emmett's party.

We enjoyed a dinner of pot roast, homemade mac 'n cheese, salad, broccoli, and apple slices which were all Emmett's request.

A very happy Emmett posing in front of his gifts before he opened them.

The boys being silly and posing like models before gift opening.

Emmett opening up his first gift--a TinkerToy set.

Since Emmett had just discovered this toy last month, he was so excited to get his own set.

Emmett opening up his next gift.

Showing off his Bluey coloring set.

The birthday boy holding up a cheetah Squishmallow.

After gifts, it was cake time.  Here is Emmett waiting to blow out his candles with his siblings at his side.

A family photo with the birthday boy and the Bluey balloons.

Getting ready to sing "Happy Birthday."

Blowing out his candles.

Emmett and Lia enjoying their cake and ice cream.

Getting ready to sing "Happy Birthday" again to Emmett on the morning of January 10th.

Blowing out candles on his breakfast waffles.

The birthday boy heading off to preschool with his cookies.

Emmett wearing his preschool, birthday crown on his actual birthday, January 11th, while enjoying his McDonalds dinner with Logan.

The boys and their McDonalds dinner.

Emmett smiling for Ron before blowing out his one big, Bluey candle on the cake he picked out at the grocery store with me earlier in the week.  I wish that the girls and I could have been there to celebrate with you on your real birthday, but please know that we were thinking of you from across the country.  Love you, Emmy Bemms!

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