Friday, May 27, 2011

The Latest Installment of Liaisms...

It's been awhile since I have taken the time to sit down and record some of the funny comments that have come out of Lia's mouth; however, in the past week or two, she has been on a roll! Here is the latest installment of Liaisms for your reading enjoyment:

1. One night, Ron was in Lia's room talking to her after she had been put to bed. For some reason, they were discussing our summer plans. After thoroughly dissecting our upcoming camping trip to the ocean and the name of every single person who will be joining us this year, Ron moved on to our vacations planned in July. Lia immediately interrupted him by demanding to know "Who's Injuly?!" This went back and forth for quite sometime as Ron tried to explain that "Injuly" was not a person, but a month when we are going on a few trips. Lia was not satisfied in the slightest and kept on asking very forcefully, "Who's Injuly?" Oh dear. I don't think Ron ever straightened that one out before wishing her goodnight.

2. Those of you who know Lia well, know that she inherited many of my type-A personality traits. My mother describes Lia as having an adult brain in a little body. She loves to recite rules, tell me when something is dirty or out of place, reminds me to wipe her mouth and hands after a meal if I forget, and never touches any of my pretty and breakable decor items throughout the house. It's a bit ridiculous. The other morning, I served her a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. While eating said oatmeal, Lia started freaking out. When asked what the matter was, she explained to me through tears that "It's making my bowl dirty!" When I examined her cereal, I saw one little speck of oatmeal that had managed to stick itself to the clean, upper part of the inside of the bowl. Although this comment totally cracked me up, what cracked me up even more is the fact that it had never dawned on Lia that the oatmeal already inside the bowl had made it dirty the second I put it in there!

3. Although Lia's pronunciation and vocabulary is quite stellar for someone her age (yes, I'm a little biased), she still pronounces a few words incorrectly. I love this as I just think it is the cutest thing and the following story is no exception. While we were in sacrament meeting the other Sunday, Lia leaned over to Ron and whispered that she needed some water. Ron then asked her if she wanted some water from the sippy cup or from the drinking fountain. She replied very seriously that "I want it from the mountain." Wow. That is some fresh water she wants!

4. We recently were at the third birthday party of Kaylee, one of Lia's friends, who had the whole Rapunzel/Tangled theme going on. One of the party's activities involved braiding all of the girls' hair with flowers like Rapunzel in the movie. Lia took this very seriously and sat perfectly still the entire time her hair was being done by the birthday girl's grandma. You could tell that she thoroughly enjoyed having her hair styled like Rapunzel for the rest of the evening. As we were leaving the party at the end of the night, Lia turned to me and asked, "Can I take the braid home with me?" Ugh. She just kills me.

5. And I saved the best one for last! When Ron told me this story the other night I found myself on the floor because I was laughing so hard. Lia came down with her first 24-hour flu this week! I know, I don't need to feel sorry for me. I managed to make it three years and three months without my child throwing up. Anyways, the poor little bug got it hard and threw up five times in one day, but recovered very quickly and was basically back to normal the next day. However, during this two-day period, I had to take her temperature a few times--rectal style. Since it has been quite sometime since Lia has had a fever, she had no memory of the rectal thermometer and was quite fascinated with it. As you can imagine, the questions began flying the second I had to insert this bad boy into her bottom. I found myself struggling to explain to her what I was doing each time because she had no idea what a fever was and how a temperature of 98.6 meant that she was healthy. Nevertheless, I tried and Lia immediately began talking about having a "beaver." On the evening of the second night, Ron had just walked Lia into the bathroom to brush her teeth. Upon seeing the thermometer sitting on her counter top, Lia announced very proudly, "That's for taking your temperature to keep the beavers out of your bottom." Let the laughing commence.

1 comment:

  1. The beavers in the bottom is definitely worth recording! You can share that one at her wedding luncheon in 20 years!
