Saturday, November 10, 2012

9-Months Old Today!

Well, our baby boy turned nine months old today.  Logan's officially three-fourths through his first year of life and he is so, so, so busy.  As long as he is rested, fed, and not hurt, he is as happy as can be just cruising around the first floor of our house getting into everything that he comes across.  He loves rummaging through the toy basket, yanking books off of the bookshelves, digging through the trash and recycling bin, pulling magnets off of the fridge, attacking the dishwasher whenever it is open...the list could go on and on.  As I said before, he is so busy, but he is so cute.  It has been so fun watching his independent side develop.  Logan still follows us around like a loyal puppy (usually with the flip flop magnet from the Bahamas in hand) and gives us the biggest grins at a moment's notice.  Besides the busyness, Logan popped his third tooth (top middle) on November 3rd, discovered the stairs and now can be found regularly hanging out on the second or third one (gasp!), and learned how to wave "bye bye" from his grandma.  He also has been introduced to the world of real table foods this past month and has readily gobbled up everything we have given him.  The list includes the following:  jello, mashed potatoes, carrots, avocados, hard boiled egg yolks, peaches, pears, bananas, strawberries, bread, cheese, tortillas, spaghettios, waffles, and cottage cheese.  He is also starting to drink out of cup.  The main low light of this past month has been the horrible nights that Logan gave us due to not one, but TWO colds that he got back to back.  For basically four weeks straight (with the exception of two, good nights in between the colds), Logan slept as poorly as a newborn.  It nearly sent Ron and I over the edge; however, I am happy to say that he is now 100% healthy, but currently in the throws of teething, so the last few nights have also been less than stellar.  I just hope that when this is all done, Logan will resume the consistent sleep pattern that we worked so hard to established months ago.  Rough nights and all, we love our boy and his big brown eyes and just think that he is the cutest thing!

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