Tuesday, September 10, 2013

19-Months Old Today!

Logan turned 19-months old today!  He is just cruising through his second year of life.  The big milestone of this past month is that he started nursery at church.  He has only gone two Sundays due to us being out of town, but he has seemed to enjoy it thus far (although either Ron or I have been in the room with him at all times).  He has also continued to learn a few more words.  Logan now says baby, hi, wow, ball, bee, hot, and makes the bunny noise (sniff sniff).  He has also learned the sign language gesture for "All Finished" and uses it frequently at the end of a meal.  He also likes to blow on his hot food (which is so cute) and put things in the trash.  Logan's new favorite past time is playing in the car while it's parked in the garage.  He will play in there for minutes on end, turning the lights on, honking the horn, and opening and closing the garage door.  I just leave the house door open and keep an eye on him from the kitchen and it's a perfect world for a little while.  Logan also LOVES books and will constantly bring us a book whenever we are in his room to read to him on the while sitting on the recliner chair.  Logan continues to be a happy boy for the most part if he is fed, rested, and not being harassed by his sister which is still a big problem these days.  He still loves being outside all the time and playing on any playground or swing set he sees.  He is a very BUSY boy and keeps me moving, but we love him to pieces!!

Pictured below is a montage of Logan eating his daily bowl of cereal which he has actually become quite proficient at lately!


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