Monday, October 26, 2015

Carving Pumpkins!

We gathered around the table tonight after dinner for our annual FHE of carving pumpkins.  For the first time ever, both Logan and Lia were able to assist with the scooping out of their pumpkins which was a big help.  I'm not sure at what age it is safe to have them help with the carving of pumpkins, but we'll take what we can get at this point!  We had a good time carving a scary face for Logan and a happy face for Lia while Ella walked from one chair to another (have I mentioned how crazy this girl is?).  Anyways, we all survived without any injuries and had fun lighting the pumpkins and turning off the lights at the end of the evening.  The only sad part was that we had to put the pumpkins back into our garage instead of out on our front porch since some rotten teenagers filled our street with smashed pumpkins on Saturday night.  Amazingly, our pumpkins (that we had just bought that day) were left untouched, but we aren't willing to take any chances and are keeping them in our garage until Halloween day!

Logan scooping away!

Lia doing the same.

Sneaky, baby Ella wandered up to her room and fished a sucker out of her crib before returning downstairs to join us for the carving.  I decided not to fight that battle and let her happily wander from chair to chair while sucking away.  Oh, that girl.

Ron working on his behemoth pumpkin that he picks out every year.

Lia photo bombing the picture I was trying to take.

The complete line-up in the dark.

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