Saturday, November 18, 2017

Logan's Last Soccer Game

Today we wrapped up Logan's second indoor, soccer season with the Park and Rec program in our town.  It was a really good experience for him and he was much more comfortable playing the game this school year after playing in one season last Fall followed by several months of soccer classes that he attended December through May until he broke his arm.  In addition, there were several kids on Logan's team that also attended his same school which we had no idea would happen.
Logan was much more proactive this year about chasing after the ball and kicking the ball.  He even made two goals this season--one was for the other team by mistake, but it was still such an awesome move on his part that I told him it didn't matter!  The other goal he made happened to be last week which Ron and Lia were actually able to attend since she had just wrapped up her soccer season the week before.  I was so glad that everyone in his family was able to witness it since Ella and I were the only ones to watch all of his previous games. 
We finished up his last game today by handing out of trophies which I organized at the beginning of the season.  Logan loved getting his trophy so much after last year's season that I decided to copy the mom who volunteered to order them and pick them last year.  All of the kids were so excited to get their own trophy--especially since the soccer ball actually spins the stand!  Overall, Logan really did a great job this year and we are so proud of him.

Logan kicking the ball.

Logan fighting for the ball amidst a pack of kids.

Chasing it down!

I just love this picture of Logan sprinting down the court.

Logan and the rest of his teammates 'high fiving' the other team at the end of the game.

A close-up of my cutie.

A happy Logan walking back to me after his last game is over.

Logan proudly showing off his awesome, new trophy.

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