Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thanksgiving 2017

We headed up to Issaquah today to enjoy Thanksgiving with my parents and Chris' and Eric's family.  We enjoyed a delicious meal and the cousins enjoyed plenty of play time together.  After eating a late lunch/early dinner, I brought out a few Thanksgiving themed crafts for both the younger and older kids to enjoy before we headed outdoors to burn off some energy at the awesome, new park we discovered last month at Lake Sammamish State Park.  We then returned home to partake from the buffet of desserts before calling it good and heading home.  Here are a few pictures that I snapped during out day together today.

Lia, Logan, and Trenton painting their pumpkins while the older girls put together some felt turkeys.

Logan showing off his finished product.

Lia still painting away.

Lia enjoying the awesome, sitting, zip line at park.

Ella gets ready for a turn.  I simply could not get over how fearless she was on this thing!  She kept on going on it over and over again.

Quite possibly the cutest, 3-year old on the planet zipping past me!

Logan climbing on the awesome, spinning, jungle gym.

Logan and his best friend and cousin, Trenton.

Logan's turn!  Ron sending Logan on his way.

Ella posing outside the adorable, mushroom house with Brynn at her side.

Brynn and Ella.  
These two girls make an unlikely pair as they are 13 year apart in age, but this is due to the fact that Brynn has been trying to befriend Ella for over a year now.  It has actually became a bit of a game for her as Ella can be quite fickle as to who she gives her love and attention to and Brynn continues to try to win it.  Normally, Ella will warm up to Brynn the end of our evening together, but then Brynn will have to start all over again the next time Ella sees her.  Today, Ella warmed up early enough in the evening for the two of them to get some quality play time in together at the park.  It really is so cute to watch!

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