Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mother's Day 2018

We wrapped up a wonderful, Mother's Day tonight thanks to the efforts of Ron and the kids.  Lia, Logan, and Ella were so cute this year as all three of them kept on asking me what they could get me or do for me for my birthday and Mother's Day.  Lia has typically been the only one to think of such things in the past, so it is really fun to see Logan and Ella getting old enough to understand the significance of doing something thoughtful and kind for their mom.  After Ron worked in the yard for several hours yesterday, he took the children out last night shopping for food for breakfast and presents for me to open today.  He took them into the clothing and jewelry section of Fred Meyer and let each one of them pick out an item of their choice to give to me.  I thought that this was such a cute and clever idea!  I really enjoyed eating a delicious breakfast made by Ron, opening up their thoughtful gifts after church, and hosting our family for dinner this evening.  Since the weather was in the 80s, we were able to eat dinner and play outside for many hours.  It was a wonderful way to end a special day!

The kids and I enjoying a breakfast of eggs, bacon, cinnamon rolls, and POG juice in the dining room.

The kids and I all dressed up in our Sunday duds before heading off to church.  I was able to wear one of the new, floral, maxi dresses that I got for my birthday.

Another shot with my favorite people on this planet.  Oh, how I love being a mother to these three children.

After church, we came home and opened up the gifts that Ron and the children had picked out the night before.  Lia gave me a pair of pajamas, Logan gave me a pack of socks, and Ella gave me two pairs of earrings.  Apparently the earrings were Ella's second choice as her first choice was a pair of red, lacy panties and a "blue and black boobie cover" as Logan described it (a.k.a. a blue and black, striped bra).  So funny! In addition, I was also able to open up both Logan's and Lia's gifts that they made at school and Lia's second gift that she made at Activity Days.  Here we are reading Logan's card.

Showing off the awesome poster from Lia that has a hand drawn picture of every mother drawn by all of the students in Lia's class.

Reading another card while the children looked on.

After taking an afternoon nap (which I never do unless I am sick or catching up on sleep after having a baby), we hosted my Washington family for dinner minus Rebecca who was unable to join us.  Ron and the rest of the men each provided two items for dinner and it was delicious.  We set up three long tables on the deck in the backyard and enjoyed eating our dinner out there.

After dinner, the kids played for a good one to two hours, stopping only for gift opening and dessert.  Here are Logan and Trenton swinging on the tire swing.

Vivi, Callie, Chris, Logan, Trenton, and Lia playing on the play ground.

Lia, Ella, and Logan cruising around on the sport court.

Bike buddies, Logie and Ellie.

More riding around.

Grandma reading one of her cards surrounded by family.

Three generations of Mueller women.  Oh, how we love grandma!

Ella playing ball with the 'big kids.'

At the end of the evening, Brynn discovered the beautiful blossoms from the lilac tree in our backyard and started putting them in the girls' hair.  It was so cute to see all of the girls sitting in a circle on the lawn watching Brynn work on someone's hair.  Ella was so excited about her hairdo that she asked me to take a picture afterward.  Just so cute!

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