Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Painting Pumpkins!

Since Ron has had the craziest work schedule the past 2.5 weeks, he has not been home for the last several nights in a row (including this past weekend when he had two back-to-back conferences).  As a result, we didn't have time to sit down as a family to "carve" our pumpkins until last night.  When we were talking about doing this activity the night before, Ron suggested that we paint our pumpkins for the first time since it is quite the thing to do these days.  Since I have a large collection of acrylic paints and brushes from all of my crafting over the years and since I dread the amount of time and energy involved in helping three children cut, scoop out, and carve their pumpkins in addition to my own, I jumped at the idea.  We quickly ate and cleaned up dinner last night so that we were able to get the table all ready to go for our pumpkin painting at 7 p.m. when Ron hoped to come home from an evening obligation with the superintendent.  However, when he didn't show up, we just went ahead without him which was so much easier to do since we were painting instead of carving pumpkins!  I quickly painted my 'trip to the spa' pumpkin before helping Ella with her leopard pumpkin.  Both Lia and Logan just went ahead and painted their Harry Potter and pirate pumpkins by themselves without any help from me which was such blessing!  Everyone then went ahead and painted their little pumpkins by themselves (including Ella) while I worked on painting the ghost on Emmett's pumpkin.  It was during this time that Ron finally came home which was totally fine instead of a massive inconvenience since we were almost done.  Thank heavens for his fabulous idea!  We might have started a new tradition...

Ella painting a baby face on her little pumpkin.

Logan working on his large, pirate pumpkin.  It is missing an eye because we put an eye patch on the other side of the nose.

Lia working on painting the scarf on her Harry Potter pumpkin.

Our cutest pumpkin hung out happily in his saucer for a large period of time while we were painting which was such a help!

A close-up of our cutie.

Ella, Emmett, and me posing with our pumpkins.

The kids and the pumpkin line-up!

Logan's pirate, my 'trip to the spa' pumpkin, and Ella's leopard.  She painted all of the spots by herself.

Lia's Harry Potter pumpkin and Ron's Day of the Dead inspired, skeleton pumpkin.

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