Friday, September 11, 2020

20 Months Old!

I can't believe that this little stinker of ours is no longer a teenager!  He officially turned 20 months old today!  Time is going by so fast.  Emmett is getting so big.  I just can't believe it.  I moved him into his 24 months/2T clothes this past week and he was long overdue for the change, but I just never found the time to take care of it over the summer.  Emmett continues to be such an active, busy baby who is into everything all of the time.  He loves taking things out of the cupboard, dropping things on the floor, pulling the chair up to the kitchen island to see what I am doing, the list goes on an on.  He also loves playing with his siblings and spending as much time outside as possible.  The change from summer to fall over the next few weeks is going to be a rough transition for him as he has loved all of the walks and bike rides around the neighborhood and the hours spent playing in the backyard with his siblings.  Emmett continues to eat like a machine and is hungry or asking for food almost all day long.  He continues to take one or two naps a day (depending on whether or not I put him down for an afternoon nap) and sleeps fairly well at night.  With the exception of a pacifier plug-in and an occasional rocking in his recliner chair, Emmett sleeps through the night every single night.  It is a far cry from the horror show that he put me through during our two weeks that we stayed at Priest Lake in July and August.  To put it simply, he HATES sleeping in a pack 'n play and I HATE what it does to his sleep and my sleep!  I am so traumatized by how horribly he slept in August that I am truly afraid to travel with him again which is not a good thing when you have three other children who are itching to go on a trip at any given moment.  Luckily, we have no plans to go anywhere until Christmas Break when we head back up to Priest Lake, so hopefully, things will have changed by then.  
Other fun developments of this past month include a whole new list of words.  Emmett can now say the following:  bye bye, woof woof, out, two, eight, poo poo, pee pee, ew, baby, quack, and hi.  He loves to bark at any kind of animal that he sees whether it is a dog or a bird and we all think it is the funniest thing.  Amazingly, Emmett has also figured out whenever we ask him a question--probably due to the intonation change in our voice.  As a result, he now answers "no" to every single question we ask him.  It's so funny as he will even say "no" if one of us asks him if he wants to eat something (which is always a "yes").  This just shows the sassy part of his personality that is definitely coming out these days.  In addition, Emmett gets a kick out of running away from me at times when I want to change his diaper or put him to bed, etc.  He knows that he is doing the exact opposite of what I want him to do because he always has this mischievous grin on his face.  Luckily, he normally changes his mind and eventually comes back to me.  
Overall, we just continue to love our Emmy-Bems.  He is such a light and joy in our lives and we are still so grateful that he joined our family 20 months ago today!

Another cute picture of my cutie before he started climbing up the stairs next to the chair in this picture.  He is nothing but trouble at times. :-)

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