Friday, December 11, 2020

23 Months Old Today!

Well, this little sweet pea of mine is one month away from his second birthday!  Oh my goodness!  I know that I say this every month, but I have never had a baby's life go by so fast.  I honestly feel like he is still a little baby who should be crawling around our house which is exactly what he was doing a year ago.  Oh well.  There is no stopping life from moving on, so I just need to focus on how lucky we are to have gotten this healthy, happy baby so late in the game.
Emmett just continues to grow and change and progress every week.  He is such a little boy and just loves everything boy from trucks to trains to cars.  He loves talking to trucks as they drive by our house and as we are driving around in the car.  One of his favorite activities is asking me to go to the office with him to look out the front window at the street.  We then patiently wait for a car or truck to drive by and then we make car noises together.  He thought of this little activity all on his own and it is just the cutest thing.  He has also fallen in love with the two board books that I bought for Logan's third birthday that are full of pictures of trucks, trains, cars, and construction machines.  They are definitely his favorite books right now and we have to read them every day.  Although the weather continues to just get colder and wetter, Emmett still LOVES playing outside and will happily bundle up in his scarf, mittens, jacket, and boots and will play outside as long as we allow him.  He will be so happy to have the warm weather return in the spring.  Also, after months and months of being the world's best eater, Emmett has started to show a few signs of pickiness.  Although he still eats the majority of everything we feed him, he has started to refuse some meats, sliced cucumbers, and apples sometimes.  All of our children went from incredible eaters to picky eaters (especially when it came to meat and vegetables) around their second birthday, so it seems like Emmett is just following in their footsteps.  
Emmett has enjoyed all of the Christmas decorations that we put up around our house a few weeks ago.  Much to my relief, he started leaving most of them alone a few days after putting them up; however, he still enjoys pulling round ornaments off of our Christmas trees and calling them "balls."  Although he has thrown several of them since he thinks they are balls, he has fortunately only broken one at this point.  Emmett's vocabulary has also continued to just explode this month.  In fact, this is the first month that I have not been able to keep up with writing down all of the new words that he learned.  In fact, there were several times over the past month when Emmett would just say a word in context that I had no idea that he even knew.  For example, we were out playing on the sport's court in the backyard and he walked up to one of the bikes laying on the ground and just said, "bike" all on his own.  I had no idea that he knew that word!  He did the same thing one night when we were going to eat pizza for dinner.  After opening up the pizza box, Emmett said, "pizza!"  The other thing that Emmett has gotten really good at verbally this month is saying an entire sentence by repeating one word at a time that we say to him.  He will repeat each word we say with perfect clarity and we all just get the biggest kick out of doing this as it sounds like Emmett is speaking in complete sentences instead of really just copying us.  Emmett also still loves Elmo as much as he did last month, but has also fallen in love with Baby Einstein videos.  His favorite one has farm animals in it and whenever he wants to watch this video or any Baby Einstein video, he will just come up to one of us and politely say, "Moo."  He will repeat this word over and over again until we find the video or tell him that "Moo has gone night night."  I just think that this is such a funny way to ask for a specific video.  
Emmett continues to take a 2 to 3 hour afternoon nap every day which is such a break for me and the only opportunity to get one or two things done every day.  He continues to sleep from about 8:30/9 p.m. every night until 7/7:30 in the morning.  He has done better this past month not needing to be rocked back to sleep as often as he has needed the past few months.  Most nights, he sleeps through the night now or just needs a pacifier plug in one time.  I only have had to rock him back to sleep about one to two nights a week this past month which has been such a help as this homeschooling thing has left me dealing with a daily exhaustion that has only been beat by having a newborn in my life.  So, I will take what improvements that I can get at this point!  Overall, we have just loved every day with Emmett the past 23 months of his life.  The older children all still just adore him and are always happy to help me with him every day.  He is such a joy and a bright light in our lives and I can't wait to celebrate Christmas with him next week and his second birthday in a few weeks!  Love you, Emmy Bemms!

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