Monday, April 12, 2021

Lia's 13-Year Photos

Although I know that it isn't the funnest of Spring Break activities, I dragged all three of the older kiddos into the photo studio today on the first official day of their vacation from school. I brought in Ella and Logan this morning while Lia stayed home and watched Emmett. I then left everyone home with Ron this evening while I took Lia in to have her pictures taken after dinner. It was a busy day with a play date in the afternoon with our friends, the Hansons. Since I am feeling very stressed about leaving tomorrow evening to fly to the East Coast with Lia for the next five days and have had a nonstop headache for a week, my friend, Heather, graciously agreed to host all three children in her backyard so that I could lay down during Emmett's nap. Although I never fell asleep, I appreciated being able to get off of my feet for an hour or so while my children played outside in the beautiful weather. All three kids did a great job smiling for the photographer today as I marveled at how much easier these photo shoots have become when my kids are not babies and toddlers. Ella still just looks like such a cute, little peanut to me, so her pictures turned out to be no surprise. However, I just could not get over how long and lanky Logan looks in his photos. Much to my chagrin, he sure is growing up! Of course, Lia totally looks like a young teenager to me and, although I am still struggling to accept this fact, that is exactly what she is. My babies are all growing up! Thank heavens I still have little Emmy Bems!


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