Sunday, April 25, 2021

Out Comes Tooth #3!

Since my brain has become mush, I have no recollection of when Ella's top, middle tooth started to become loose.  However, according to her, it all started on Daddy's birthday which was almost six months ago!  Since that seems too long ago, I am not sure if Ella's memory is accurate, but regardless it just goes to show how patient this little girl has been in waiting for her tooth to fall it.  She has been wiggling it for months (with the specific instructions from me NOT to wiggle it at school with germy hands).  In the last few weeks, it has really gotten loose and when Lia and I returned from our trip to the East Coast a week ago today, I was shocked to see how much it had sagged while we were gone.  In fact, Ella had a total gap in her top row of teeth that she didn't have when we left which made me so grateful that I had her 7-year photos taken one day before our trip.  I am so glad that I got this last set of professional pictures taken with all of her cute, baby teeth on the top row of her mouth!  But, I digress...
Yesterday, Ella had her friend, Ainsley, over for a playdate.  While the two girls were playing around in the massive pile of couch pillows that always seems to appear on the floor of our rec room, Ella got bumped in the mouth with a cushion and out popped her tooth!  She came running upstairs with a huge, bloody smile on her face and a tooth in her hand.  She was so excited!  After leaving her tooth in a ziplock bag near the edge of her pillow last night, Ella was thrilled to find a note and $2 from one of her four tooth fairies, Tina (apparently, the other three were tied up helping a girl with a very painful toothache in Germany).  Although Ella is so excited to go around and show EVERYONE the new, gaping hole in her mouth now, I can't help but mourn the fact that my little girl's baby teeth are coming out only to be replaced by gigantic, adult teeth.  She still just seems too little for teeth of this size!

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