Sunday, September 11, 2022

Logan and His Bookmarks

Ever since Logan became an avid reader in 3rd grade, a very funny and strange habit emerged.  We learned rather quickly that Logan has a very difficult time keeping track of his bookmarks.  As a result, he always loses them while reading and really never bothers to look for them.  Instead, he just uses whatever object happens to be laying around him at that moment which normally ends up being a really unexpected bookmark.  After he started doing this, I quickly noticed how funny this was as I would find things like a Lego piece, a crayon, a blanket, a pillow, another book, or a remote control tucked carefully inside the pages of his book.  It always was something different and it always was equally funny.  Whenever we would point this out to Logan and tease him about it, he would just look at us like this was the logical thing to do.  Two years later, Logan is still losing his bookmarks and still finding random items around the house to use and it never stops being entertaining to me.  However, today, I stumbled across the funniest "bookmark" of all as I was walking up the stairs and noticed that Logan decided to use one of the posts on the railing to mark his current page.  I thought it was so hilarious that I had to run and grab my camera to take a picture of it.  So, apparently, if you ever find yourself in need of a bookmark and you have a set of stairs nearby, Logan has already solved the problem for you.  Oh, that boy...

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