Monday, June 26, 2023

Last Day of School...Finally!

Well, the 2022-2023 school year finally is a wrap after finishing off the school year only a few days before July!  Thanks to Labor Day falling really late on the calendar this fall and taking three days off for snow, our last day of school got pushed back to Monday, June 26th, which was absolutely ridiculous.  Since I had wanted to put the kids in "germ quarantine" for an entire week before our big trip, I was really annoyed when the third snow day happened since it meant that the last day of school would be pushed back by three days due to having a weekend in the middle.  I quickly announced that none of my kids would be going on the last day of school and, although Logan and Ella were not thrilled about it, they quickly agreed to do this.  However, since this was going to be Lia's last day of junior high school and her last day going to school with the majority of her friends (since she is waivering into a differing high school with only a handful of students from her currently school), she did not want to miss out on her last chance to say goodbye to everyone.  As a result, I reluctantly agreed to let Lia go to school today while the three younger children stayed home.  Logan and Ella did a great job playing with Emmett this morning, and all five of us quickly headed off to the library to check out books for the summer after Lia got home before 11 a.m. due to it being a half day.  
Overall, it was a very busy, but very successful school year.  Ella and Logan both loved their teachers and made some wonderful, new friends.  They did well in school and continued to learn and grow academically.  Logan read almost every, free waking minute he had this school year and raised his reading level from an 8th grader at the beginner of the school year to a 12th grader by the end of the school year which is just unbelievable since he is only in 5th grade.  Ella worked crazy hard this year in gymnastics and was asked to move up to Level 3 on June 1st when the new gymnastics year begins.  She is already mastering her round off, back handspring only a month into this new year and it is so exciting to watch her literally flip around in the gym.  Lia survived the most grueling year of her life so far juggling early-morning seminary with school, running, theater, and homework.  She successfully completed two running seasons and participated in three musical productions at NWTL while maintaining straight As the entire time.  I am so proud of these three older children and for all of the amazing ways in which they have grown and progressed this school year.  And, now it is time for a break!  Can anyone say Disney Cruise?!?    

June 23rd:
Since Ella and Logan did not go to the official last day of school, they finished off their school year on Friday, June 23rd.  Here they are standing with Emmett on their last day as a 3rd and 5th grader.

My three littles sitting on the steps.

Ella and Logan dropped off at school on Friday morning, ready to run through the gate and out onto the field one last time this year.

June 26th:
Lia ready to head out to her last day of 9th grade and her last day of junior high school.

My grown-up, tall girl hours away from being an official sophomore and high schooler!

One of my favorite things about Lia going to the junior high school at the top of our hill has been her ability to walk home from school and afterschool activities.  I am really going to miss this as we have decided that our three other children will attend the junior high school downtown where Ron was just hired as the new principal.  Since the younger three children were not in school today, I watched the clock and had them ride their bikes up the hill to meet her on her last walk home.  Lia said that she could hear them long before she could see them which I thought was really funny.  Here is the picture I was able to take of all four of them as Lia walked home for the last time as a 9th grader.  Sniff.  She is growing up too fast!

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