Friday, October 20, 2023

Our Annual Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

With our busy schedule, I struggled to figure out when I would be able to take the kids to the pumpkin patch since our Saturdays are jammed pack with games, practices, and rehearsals, and we have multiple activities every day after school.  And then I realized that we didn't have school on October 20th due to a teacher work day, and so I declared that this was the day to go the patch!  After an early appointment with Lia's sports medicine doctor, the three other kids and I headed down to Spooners to spend the rest of the morning.  Since we had already managed to get our pumpkins for free this year, we enjoyed focusing on the free activities that you can do at this farm every fall.  It was a nice way to spend the morning with my three littles and to get into the Halloween spirit.  I wonder how many more years I will be able to get Logan and Ella to go with Emmett and me before they outgrow it, too.  Hopefully, we have a few more years left of this fun, annual tradition!

The kids and I taking our annual, family photo in Spooner's pumpkin house.

The kids posing behind the photo cutout board.


Ella, Logan, and Emmett and one of the giant spiders that dot the field of pumpkins.

Logan and Ella posing like Lewis and Clark.  This was such a sudden and spontaneous photo that it just cracked me up!

The kids and Bessie the cow in the barn.

All three children enjoyed racing ducks for a long time that morning as we practically had the place to ourselves.

Emmett and Ella racing their ducks down to Logan.

How tall this fall?

Trying out the witch's hats before heading home with our pieces of delicious fudge that we had purchased in the gift shop.

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