Saturday, November 11, 2023

Emmett's Last Soccer Game of the Season

After six games, six Saturdays in a row, Emmett wrapped up his first soccer season of his life this morning.  Overall, I would say that his first season was a total success as Emmett just loved every minute of it.  In addition, he is a bit of a natural player with his fast speed, aggressive nature, and natural coordination which made him one of the strongest players on his team of Kindergarten and 1st grade players.  Emmett would count down the days every week until his next game and just gave it his all every Saturday morning.  He would finish each game with a red face dripping with sweat, but never seemed to mind.  And although he made attempt after attempt to score a goal in his first five games, he didn't make a goal until the first minute of his last game today.  This was such great timing as Ron had to miss his first five games to watch Logan play at his soccer games.  But, as luck would have it, Logan's game was late enough in the day that it allowed both Ron and Logan to come cheer him on with me.  It was so fun to watch Emmett race out onto the court and kick that ball all the way to the goal like he was on a mission.  I have absolutely loved watching Emmett play this fall, and will definitely miss seeing him play every week.  If I wasn't so overwhelmed by his three older siblings' activities, I might have actually tried to find a winter or soccer league for him to play in, but since that is not going to happen, Emmett will just have to wait until next fall to start playing soccer again.

Emmett racing down the court.

Emmett going after the ball.

Talking to Coach Heather while taking a break on the sidelines.

Emmett dribbling the ball down the court.

Trying to kick it into the goal.

Giving me a cute look as he walked towards the center of the court.

Making a funny pose while playing goalie.

Emmett receiving his certificate and trophy from his coaches after the game was over.

Emmett proudly holding up his certificate and trophy.

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