Saturday, May 11, 2024

Lia's 1st Mormon Prom

Mormon Prom (also known as "Mo Pro") was started in our stake many years ago out of a necessity to create an environment where LDS youth felt comfortable going to a dance instead of their high school prom where so many girls dressed immodestly and couples danced inappropriately.  It had really gotten out of hand at many of the local high schools, and so youth leaders in our stake and several surrounding stakes decided to work together to create another formal dance option for teenagers to attend each spring.  Luckily, over the years, the high school proms have improved and now many LDS teenagers attend both proms each spring.  Since you need to be a senior or invited by a senior to attend the high school prom, Mo Pro is still a fun way for sophomores and juniors to attend a formal dance at the end of the school year.  Since there is a massive shortage of teenage boys in our ward and stake, Lia was able to go to Mo Pro with five other girls in our ward who also didn't have dates.  Just like with the Homecoming dance this past fall when Lia went with several of her running friends, I am so grateful that girls have the option today to attend dances in a group when they are not invited to attend with a boy.  
After figuring out which girls did not have dates, I texted all of their mothers and helped organize the evening.  I asked everyone to come to Bradley Lake Park first for pictures before making dinner reservations at one of the sit-down restaurants in our town.  Since one of the girls, Julie, has had her driver's license for over six months, she was able to drive all the girls from the park to dinner to the dance held at Graham Stake Center.  Luckily, Lia was happy to wear her beautiful, formal dress that we bought for our cruise last summer, which saved us the time and money from finding another dress to buy.  
Lia raced home after "Mean Girls" rehearsal this afternoon to curl her hair and get ready for the dance before we drove to the park to meet up with the group.  Luckily, it was a beautiful spring night and the girls were happy to stand outside for several minutes while all of the parents took pictures.  We then walked all of the girls back to Julie's car before waving them off for the evening.  Overall, Lia had a great time eating dinner at the Ram and dancing the night away with friends.  Although we have a very small number of youth in our ward, I am still so grateful that she has the opportunity to participate in activities like this during her high school years.

All six girls dressed up and ready to go.
From left to right:
Julie, Megan, Suzette, Hope, Alyssa, and Lia

You've got to have at least one Charlie's Angels pose when you have a group of girls like this!

The girls strutting their stuff...

Everyone piling into the minivan.

A group picture the girls had taken while at the dance.  The theme was "Walk the Red Carpet."

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