Friday, May 31, 2024

Emmett's Preschool Graduation

Ron and I were able to attend Emmett's preschool graduation this morning.  Since all four of our children have attended Celebration Friends Preschool, dating back to September 2012, it was bitter sweet to see our last child walk through these preschool doors for the last time.  However, I am so grateful to have had access to such a wonderful preschool so close to our home all of these years.  Although the "new regime" at this preschool does not do as much in the way of hosting parties, leading field trips, and going over-the-top with events, I was still grateful for the chance that we had to see Emmett perform a few songs with the three classes while wearing a paper graduation cap and to see him receive a diploma from his teacher.  As always, it was a darling program and so fun to watch these children perform one last time before heading off to Kindergarten in the fall.

The darling class photo that Emmett's teacher took in their classroom before the program began.

Emmett and the rest of his classmates doing hand gestures while singing "Hip Hip Hip Hippopotamus."

Emmett singing along with more hand gestures.

Emmett looking at his diploma after his teacher, Miss Kelly, gave it to him.

Emmett proudly showing off his diploma with his parents at his side.

We have been blessed to have the twins of my good friend, Jill, at the same preschool as Emmett this year.  Here are Evie, Emmett, and Isaac posing together outside of the church after the program was over.

Emmett proudly holding up the "Last Day of Preschool & Graduation" sign that Jill brought for pictures.

Emmett posing with his teacher, Miss Kelly, one last time before saying goodbye!

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