Saturday, May 18, 2024

Lia's 1st Performance in DramaFest

After Lia finished track on April 30th, she started daily rehearsals the very next day for the one-act play that she was cast in for her high school's Dramafest production that she auditioned for at the beginning of April.  Lia was given the lead, female role in a play called "A Tale of Two Spectators" that is about a man and woman who meet on a park bench on a weekly basis to watch their two spouses have an affair together.  Since there are only two characters in this play, Lia and the other actor, Lucas, had a ton of dialogue to memorize.  Luckily, since Lia is a master at memorizing lines for plays, she was able to have most of it memorized before they started rehearsing the beginning of May.  Since there was very little blocking and no other characters in this play, Lia and Lucas were able to pull it together in 2.5 weeks and be ready for the two performances this weekend.  I was able to go last night by myself to watch Lia's opening night show and attend again this evening with Ron, the kids, and my mom.  Lia did an amazing job playing the role of a irritated, frustrated, and overall unhappy woman who watches her husband be on a date with another woman every week.  Although this one-act it a bit of a dark comedy, it really was quite entertaining and humorous to watch both evenings.  It was really fun to watch Lia perform in this lead role and I am so grateful for this opportunity that she was given to participate in a second theater production at her high school during her sophomore year.

Lia eating popcorn while waiting for Lucas to join her at the park at the beginning of the play.

Lia and Lucas arguing, something they did throughout the entire play.

Lia talking to Lucas while he spies on their spouses through binoculars.

Lia looking through the binoculars.

Lia looking very upset while talking to her co-actor.

Lia getting ready to leave the park at the end of the play.

Lia and Lucas taking their bow at the end of the show.

Cheering on the other actors as they came on stage to take their final bow.

Lia posing after the show with her stage manager, Star, her co-star, Lucas, and her director, Eva.

Lia and me in the theater after her first performance was finished.

A group photo that we managed to take with Lia before her second performance began.

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