Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Small Dose of Liaisms...

I have been meaning to find the time to sit down and record some of the funny comments that have come out of Lia's mouth lately. I am loving this stage of life when she is able to express so many of her thoughts, but doesn't always use the correct words while doing so. In no particular order, here are some of my favorite Liaisms as of late...

1. While reading a Winnie the Pooh book together the other night, I foolishly chose to skip over the title page (in order to get through the book quicker which would result in Lia getting to bed quicker). However, Lia was not to be fooled! As she saw me turning this page without saying any words, she immediately commanded me to "Talk to the page!" Well, I never thought of it that way, but I guess when we read the words from a page, we're kind of talking to it...right?

2. Lia loves drinking water morning, noon, and night. She loves to make trips to the various faucets in our house, fill a cup up with water, take a few, very serious sips, then carelessly toss the remainder back in the sink. It's a regular routine around here. The other day she made me laugh out loud as she announced "I need some piece of water" before we could move on with whatever we were doing. A piece of water? That's an interesting way of putting it.

3. Lia and I were talking recently about growing our garden again this spring/summer when the sun comes back. Lia declared,"You can grow the tomatoes and I can grow the groceries." As funny as it sounded, it made total sense to me. I mean, we grow the same vegetables in our garden each summer that we buy in the grocery store the other three seasons of the year. I guess we just need to start calling our vegetable garden a grocery garden!

4. Lia is the queen of adjectives. Since Ron and I are both former English teachers, we just love this attribute of hers. She will sometimes string three adjectives in a row when describing a queen from a princess movie or a dog on the street. I especially loved how she used a particular adjective the other morning when I walked into her bedroom after she had woken up from the night. Her hair was as bed-heady as you can get and all over the place. Since Lia is not a fan of her hair being messed up, she immediately said with some disgust, "My hair is cranky today." Cranky hair? Love the personification and the message it got across.

I'm sure with this little talker there will be more Liaisms to come...so stay tuned!