Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mother's Day Tea

Yesterday Lia's preschool (that I LOVE) hosted a Mother's Day Tea for the children and their mothers.  I was able to get my mom to come down to watch Logan so that Lia and I could enjoy this special event together.  I had to laugh to myself when we walked into the church together and saw all of the moms and their little girls dressed to the nines in skirts or dresses, cute sandals, jewelry and make-up, etc.  Lia and I had barely grabbed the clothes off of our floor (no joke) and made it to preschool on time.  I can tell that I am about to move in two weeks and a little sidetracked by the endless amounts of things that I have to get done between now and then.  But I digress.  Anyways, besides not dressing quite appropriately, Lia and I had a great time together.  The students put on a small program at the beginning that included singing three songs and then stating why they love their mother (into a microphone no less)!  Lia then joined me at the table for some games and  a little brunch of muffins, fruit, and juice.  She gave me two different gifts and a beautiful card that she had made in class previously. It was a fun way to spend the morning with my firstborn! 

Lia and some of her classmates singing away.

A close-up of my baby girl.

Now this is a funny story.  The children were asked in advance to think of a reason why they loved their mothers.  Apparently Lia could not think of a reason (ouch!) and so she had to come up with a fake one--she loves me because I bought her a kitty cat.  As a result, my daughter lied to approximately 100 people yesterday.  Good grief.  After getting over the initial humor of it all, I got serious and had a stern talk with her about how to handle this situation if it happens again in a future class!

The ladies tea partying away!


  1. What's even funnier about that is that her mother hates cats!

  2. That story is too funny! at least she's creative and thinks on her feet!!
