Sunday, December 14, 2014

Losing Her First Tooth!

Lia has been watching her friends lose their teeth for two years now.  Her best friend, Kaylee, lost her first tooth really young during their Pre-K year of school and many of her friends have followed since.  Poor Lia has waited and waited and waited for her turn to come.  I kept on telling Lia that it is because her teeth are so "healthy" that none of them have fallen out yet.  I don't think that this was much consolation to her.  Regardless, Lia's time finally arrived a few weeks ago when she approached me claiming that one of her teeth was lose.  Since she has done this MANY times before, I honestly didn't believe her, but decided to check more closely when it looked like she was really wiggling a lose tooth.  After closer examination, I not only realized that her tooth was indeed lose, BUT that her adult tooth had popped through behind the baby one.  I couldn't believe it!  And so the wiggling began.  Lia wiggled everywhere she went and talked about it nonstop.  It was a major deal in the Hartland.  And after days and days of this, it actually popped right out of her mouth this morning while Lia was watching TV and wiggling on the couch.   Here are the pictures we took after much celebrating!

Lia showing off the fresh hole in her mouth!

Lia showing off her tooth.

And a close-up of the tooth.

Congrats baby girl!  All of your waiting has finally come to an end!

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