Sunday, May 10, 2015

3 and 1/4 Years Old Today!

Oh this boy.  Mr. Logan Cruz turned 3 years and 3 months old today.  I wish that I could report that he is steadily out growing his terrible twos and becoming a more pleasant, agreeable, and obedient three-year old, but that would be lying.  Logan's terrible twos are still going strong.  He can throw a tantrum like no body's business, his good mood can turn into a bad mood without a moment's notice, he still prefers to disagree with most things asked of him throughout the day, and he does NOT like most transitions whether it's leaving the house to take Lia to school or getting out of the bathtub at bedtime.  Most of these transitions end in a wicked tantrum.  Sacrament Meeting at church has become an absolute joke with him and he loves to get into punching fights with his older sister.  He refuses to potty train and has started to become a picky eater for the first time in his life (which was one of the few good things this boy had going about him)!  At the same time, Logan can be the cutest, sweetest, little boy on the planet.  He can be so adorable and so funny.  He says the silliest things that just crack us all up.  He loves being read to and would stay in my lap for over an hour listening to me read him books if I gave him the option.  Logan also will happily sit down and play on the floor with Ron or me whenever we have the chance.  He loves playing outdoors--especially riding his bike on the sport's court of throwing a ball back and forth.  Logan also is a total hoarder and hides his favorites toys (which changes from day to day) under the pillows of "his couch" in the family room and he also takes these same toys to bed with him every day for his nap and bedtime.  He also still takes a 3-hour nap like a champ every afternoon and still agrees to sleep in a crib.  In fact, I have decided that I am going to try to keep him in a crib until he outgrows his afternoon nap--even if it means that he is still sleeping in it when he is four years old!  He really does love his sisters and can be sweet with both of them when he is in the mood.  We love you, Logan Cruz, but I can't wait until you outgrow your terrible twos!

1 comment:

  1. You have 3 kids and you are still recognizing "1/3" birthdays? Holy Shmoly! And I seriously CAN NOT BELIEVE he is still taking 3 HOUR naps and sleeping in a CRIB at that age!!! He may thrown a lot of tantrums but you have no idea how lucky you are with the other two things. Tanner was a pistol at that age and I never got a break because that kid wouldn't stay in bed (he'd climb out of a crib in 2 seconds flat) and naps were a complete thing of the past....
