Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Losing Tooth #3!

It finally happened.  Lia lost her first, upper tooth bringing the total to three lost teeth.  This tooth was loose FOREVER.  I'm talking months.  I had no idea that a tooth could take so long to fall out.  And the strange thing was the looser this tooth got, the bigger a gap grew between this tooth and it's neighbor to the right.  By the time her tooth was ready to fall out it actually looked like she had already lost an upper tooth.  I don't understand the reason for this (I should probably ask my dentist brother), but she now has an extra large gap where this upper tooth used to be.  After wiggling it for months, Lia's tooth finally came out today while eating cereal for an afternoon snack at my parents' house.  Lia's school district had a half day for "Fair Day" (crazy, I know), so we jumped at the opportunity to go spend the afternoon and evening with grandma and grandpa.   I am grateful that Lia was not in school when this happened as a ton of blood came out with this tooth!  I think the kids in her class would have made a big deal out of this and made Lia feel bad or embarrassed.  Overall, we are all happy that tooth #3 has joined her tooth graveyard and Lia cannot wait for the tooth fairy to come visit her tonight!

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