Friday, July 7, 2017

Swimming Lessons Complete!

For the first time ever, we were home for two, consecutive weeks this summer which meant that I could sign the kids up for one session of swim lessons.  Since we are constantly in and out of town over the summer, I have always had the kids take swim lessons on Saturdays during the school year.  And this past year, I even had Logan take them twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday mornings since he didn't have preschool on those days.  However, when I realized that we would be in town for the first session of the summer, I signed up Logan and Lia.  It consisted of two weeks of four days of classes each week.  I chose the 9 a.m. time slot over the 9:30 one so that we could be done sooner in the morning if we wanted to go on a day adventure after the lesson was over (which happened several times).  I must admit, it was a bit of a push to get everyone up, fed, dressed, and out the door by 8:40 every morning for two weeks when I was soooo ready to slow down and go into "summer mode."  But we managed to push through it and make it on time almost every single morning.  Both kids did a great job working hard in their swim classes.  Logan was the smallest and youngest kid in his Level 2 class, but he really worked harder than a lot of the older kids and learned a lot.  Lia was enrolled in the Level 4 class for the fifth time and was so close to passing this time around!  This level is quite challenging as it requires the students to master several different strokes and swim these strokes for 25 meters.  Overall, I was proud of my kiddos for giving this round of swim lessons their all and I hope that it will make them even more confident and competent swimmers this summer in the water!

Lia and Logan standing by the pool before the start of their last swim lesson today.

Lia goggled up and ready to swim her first lap with the kickboard.

Lia swimming away!

Logan floating on his back with the help of his teacher.

Logan swimming back to the edge of the pool.

My cute boy flashing me a smile.

Logan heading back out into the pool with his other teacher.

At the end of every swim session, the bigger kids get to jump off the diving board into the deep end of pool.  Lia was so excited to do this today!

There she goes!

Lia giving me a stellar smile as she swims back to the ladder.

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