Wednesday, January 30, 2019

2.5 Weeks Down...

Besides the post from baby Emmett's first week of life, I really haven't written much about him on my blog. Between being totally exhausted and overwhelmed by life and Emmett being the fourth child, I just really haven't found the time to sit down and write an update on him which makes me feel bad. So, I made a point to take some pictures of him this week laying on a beautiful blanket that my next door neighbor made as a gift with the hope of writing down a few things about his life the past few weeks.
Emmett is now 2.5 weeks old.  Not a lot has changed since we brought him home from the hospital.  He still sleeps a lot, eats a lot, and cries a lot.  His umbilical cord came off on January 21st and he was circumcised on January 24th.  It was a little rough for the first few days after his "surgery," but things seem to be healing properly and his fussiness has gone back to normal which has been a welcomed relief.
I am slogging along as best as I can.  The nursing reached such a point of excruciating pain that I switched to full-time pumping/bottle feeding on January 19th.  After a three day break from nursing, I happened to be in the doctor's office for Emmett's 1.5 week check-up.  When our pediatrician asked how he was eating, I burst into tears.  Since she is not used to seeing me like this, she immediately went into action and grabbed another lactation consultant in the hallway who came in with nipple shields.  After showing me how to use them, they saved my life!  The instant relief was unbelievable.  I have now been back to nursing exclusively for over a week now and was just getting things under control when I woke up with a raging breast infection yesterday morning (that apparently traveled through one of the open wounds in my right nipple).  Luckily, my dad had come out to help me that day which allowed me to make the drive to and from Tacoma to see a doctor without dragging Ella with me.  So between the nursing drama and everything that has gone with it and absolute exhaustion from sleep deprivation, I am official on 'survivor mode' right now.  As much as I love this baby to pieces and am so grateful that we were blessed with him, I am just in the thick of things (as my mother would put it).  I know that one day this will all end.  Emmett will start sleeping through the night, crying less, and not needing to nurse as much.  My body will heal and one day feel more rested again.  But, until then, I am just trudging through each day the best that I can.
Emmett is really such a beautiful, healthy baby and I am so grateful that he is part of our family.  The children still absolutely adore him and get so excited whenever he is awake.  In addition, I am trying to treasure every little moment I get when I hold him sleeping in my arms or listen to him breathing into my ear after a feeding and burping.  I know how fast he will grow and that these precious and quiet moments with him at my side are very fleeting and temporary.  In a matter of months, he will be a walking and talking toddler and everything will be different.  So, as tired and emotional as I am right now, I will try to savor every single day that I have with him as a tiny baby in my arms.

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