Tuesday, June 11, 2019

5 Months Old Today!

Well, this little guy officially turned 5 months old today!  It's all starting to go by so fast!  Emmett has really turned into such a happy, smiley baby.  If he is rested and fed, he will give everyone and anyone the hugest grin if they start talking and interacting with him.  Emmett loves to smile and coo and will even laugh if we work hard enough!  He has also started touching everything within his reach and picking things up and putting them in his mouth.  It really is quite funny to watch him grabbing and throwing things like the diapers on his changing table while he is laying there.  He is really starting to interact with toys and other objects which is just the cutest thing.  Emmett is also really doing a good job at staying happy when he is laying on the floor or the bouncy chair and really does not need to be held by someone unless he is hungry or tired.  He is thoroughly entertained by this three, older siblings and really enjoys them singing, talking, or playing with him.  Emmett is also starting to roll onto his side whenever he is laying on the floor, so he should be rolling over in a matter of weeks.  He is also doing a great job sleeping at night which is such a blessing in my life.  I bathe him and feed him every night between 9 and 10 p.m. and he sleeps most mornings until 7 a.m. now.  I never have to nurse him in the middle of the night anymore, but some times have to put his pacifier back in his mouth several times to get him to fall back asleep, but I will take that any day!  He also is taking a morning, afternoon, and evening nap each day.  His afternoon nap is usually the longest and his evening nap is usually the shortest of the three, but I just love that he is settling into a routine.  Overall, Emmett is the sweetest, cutest baby and we all just love him to pieces and are so grateful that he is a part of our family!

A close-up of our cutie.

And just like I said, he now picks up everything around him these days including the little "frame" that came with this monthly, milestone blanket...

and putting it in his mouth!  Such a silly boy!

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