Monday, June 24, 2019

Last Day of School...FINALLY!

Well, the never-ending-school-year finally came to a close today!  Due to a 3-day strike in September, a cancelled day of school from a power outage in January, and three snow days in February, our school district was supposed to stay in school until June 26th.  Luckily, the state approved to "forgive" two of our make-up days which meant that the kids got out of school today!  Although it was a super late end to the school year, it really didn't end up being that much of a bummer since we have had cool, cloudy weather for the last few weeks.  It also gave me a chance to focus on getting ready for our big trip to Florida that we are leaving on in three days while the kids were still at school.  So, overall, I am grateful that school is just getting out today.
I would say that the 2018-2019 school year was a success for all three of our older children.  Ella LOVED going to preschool and having Miss Vera as her teacher.  She made some great friends and enjoyed learning her letters and numbers and completing all of the crafts and worksheets.  She also thoroughly enjoyed her weekly ballet/tap class with Miss Krystal and some friends from church and preschool and also loved her weekly gymnastics class at the Y.  And although she did not love her twice-a-week swim lesson, she improved tons this year and can now swim and can jump and 'cannon ball' into the water without a life jacket on.
Logan continued to grow and progress in first grade.  He got another wonderful teacher who ran an efficient, organized class each day.  He continued to improve in reading and can now read little books with barely any help.  He is still an awesome artists and writes with beautiful and neat handwriting (that his teacher commented on more than once).  Logan made some new friends in his class this year and enjoyed participating in his third soccer season and first basketball season.  He also took another 8-week session of swim lessons this spring and moved up to Level 3 where the class is taught in the deep end by the diving board. 
Lia had another successful year as a 5th grader.  She made two new friends (Elle and Ryann) this year which was such a blessing as most of her old friends have moved on to the 'gifted class.'  She loved her teacher and being with Elle and Ryann every day in class and at recess.  She competed in another soccer and basketball season and also took swim lessons this spring with Ella and Logan.  We decided that she will continue with soccer in 6th grade, but not basketball as the sport is just getting too aggressive for her personality.  Lia enjoyed going skiing with her dad four times this past winter and continued to improve at that sport.  She continued with piano lessons, Girl Scouts (thanks to me stepping up to the plate and being the second troop leader which saved the troop from ceasing to exist), and Activity Days at church.  She also participated in her first track season at school which turned out to be a bit of a disappointment due to injuring her ankle during the second week of the season.  Lia is still an avid reader and writer and excelled in all of her other subjects at school.
Overall, it was a successful school year and I am just so grateful that we all survived adding a newborn baby to the mix.  It was rough for a few months there, but we managed to make it without eliminating most activities from our busy routine after school and on the weekends.  The children all adjusted really well to baby Emmett arriving in their lives and they all just love him to pieces!  However, I am very ready for a break from the busy routine and hustle and bustle of the school year.  It is time to let go of the schedule, go on some trips, and have some fun!

Sweet Ella standing outside her preschool door for the very last time on June 14th.

Ella waiting in line in the church foyer for Miss Vera to come and pick up her class.

Ella getting ready to follow her teacher to their classroom.

Ella walking off to her PreK class for the very last time.  Sigh.  It is all starting to go so fast!

Lia and Logan posing outside their school with their teacher gifts in hand on their last day of school today.  I have just loved watching these two kids head off to school together every day for the last two years and I am so grateful that they have one more year together before Lia heads off to junior high school.

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