Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Logan's Award Assembly

I received an email from Logan's teacher last week informing us that he had been chosen to receive a student recognition award for demonstrating considerate behavior in class during the third trimester.  Since we are always asked to keep it a secret, Logan had no idea that we would be seeing him in an assembly a few minutes after I dropped him off at school today.  I told him that I was going to 'volunteer' in Lia's class which allowed me to just drop him off alone before returning to the parking lot to park our car and walk in with Lia and Emmett (while Ella was at preschool).  We were able to get seats on the front row before Ron joined us a few minutes later before the assembly began at 9:10.  Ron isn't always available to slip away from work for an hour or two in the middle of the school day, but luckily, he was able to come join us today.  A few minutes later, Logan walked in with the rest of the students were were to be recognized looking a little confused and unsure.  Once he sat on the steps of the stage and looked out at the crowd, we were able to get his attention and let him know what we were here to cheer him on.  After the assembly started, Logan received his award and then a few minutes later we were able to meet him in the lobby behind the gymnasium to congratulate him, give him some hugs, and take his picture.  I am so proud of this little boy of mine.  He has grown up soooo much since his tantrum-throwing, toddler days.  He is such an obedient, respectful, focused, and hard working student who really enjoys going to school each day.  One of the highlights of my morning is dropping him off and watching him run/skip/hop across the field in that cute way of his.  I wonder every morning when he will outgrow this and start 'running like a big kid.'  Until then, I will soak it in every day.  We love you Logan and are so proud of the wonderful boy you have become!

Logan walking into the gymnasium before realizing we were there.

Sitting on the stage with his classmates and looking at us sitting in the back of the room.

Logan receiving his award from Ms. Ryan who is one of the other 1st grade teachers and also his reading teacher.

Logan walking to join the rest of the students who had already received their certificates.

Logan showing off his award.

Leaving the room at the end of the assembly while flashing his family a big smile.

Our proud boy showing off his award!

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