Tuesday, January 14, 2020

A Morning to Play in the Snow...

We were unsure how much snow we would actually get with all of the weather forecasts this past weekend of incoming snow.  The kids and I were thrilled to wake up to it snowing yesterday morning and about an inch already on the ground and were super bummed when school wasn't even delayed.  However, after it completed melted by yesterday afternoon, we were thrilled to wake up to another fresh batch of snow this morning and a 2-hour late schedule announced.  The kids had enough time to get bundled up after breakfast to head outside to play for about an hour before having to head off to school.  I managed to get outside in my pajamas and boots to take a few pictures of their fun in the snow.

Logan making the inaugural run down the slide.  Since he is the always the first one dressed in his snow clothes and out the door, he always gets to be the first one to clear off the snow on the slide.

Lia jumped at the opportunity to take some doll pictures in the snow to post on her AGD Instagram account.  She agreed to take some pictures of Ella's Wellie Wisher doll that Ella had dressed up in her snow clothes.  Ella was absolutely thrilled about this as you can see by the look on her face.

Lia taking another picture of Ella's doll sitting on her little sled.

Logan and Ella posing in front of the beautiful, snow-covered branches that are currently laying on our sport court after Ron did some major tree pruning over Christmas break.

Lia had to get some pictures of her Caroline doll dressed up as Elsa in the snow.  I couldn't resist taking a picture of her, too.

Ella heading up the playground to send her doll, Willa, down the slide.

Logan giving me a smile.

Ella getting ready to push her doll down the slide on her little doll sled.

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