Saturday, January 11, 2020

Logan's First Basketball Game

Logan's second year of basketball began at the beginning of December with practices twice a week.  Just like last year, he was put on a team with all 2nd grade boys from his school with three wonderful coaches.  Logan has absolutely loved being on this team with so many of his friends and has loved going to all of his practices.  Today marked his first game and Ella, Emmett, and I went to cheer him on while Ron and Lia were gone for day #1 of her ski school that never ended up happening due to the pass being closed for extensive snow fall fall and car accidents, but that's a post for another time.  The three of us cheered for Logan from the sidelines as he played his little heart out.  He actually got to be on the court a significant amount of time although he didn't get to handle the ball as much as I would have hoped.  I think he is just a little rusty or his age group is starting to be really aggressive or it's a combination of the two.  Regardless, I hope that Logan will improve with the season and get the chance to dribble, pass, and shoot the ball more than he did today.  Luckily, Logan was oblivious to all of this and was just thrilled by the fact that his team won AND that his after-game snack included a Gatorade bottle and three treats!  Oh, to be so content with such little things...

Logan chasing down the ball.

Logan guarding his player wearing a matching, orange belt.

Grabbing the ball.

Logan dribbling down the court.

Logan heading toward the basket.

It's hard to tell due to all of the players in front of him, but this is a picture of the one shot Logan tried to make during the game.  

Chasing the ball back down the court.

Watching a teammate make a shot.

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