Saturday, June 1, 2024

Lia's 1st High School Drama Banquet

One of the traditions at Lia's high school is to host an end-of-the-year drama banquet for students who have participated in any of the three theater productions that her school puts on each year.  Since Lia participated in the musical in the winter and the One-Acts in the spring, she has met some wonderful, new friends from theater and was excited to attend.  Since this event is kind of a formal affair, Lia wore her darling, turquoise dress that we bought last June for her 9th grade dance.  After getting ready, she headed off at 5 pm to meet her good friend from BBB, Isabelle, to help set up for the banquet that started at 6 o'clock.  Lia spent a fun-filled evening eating dinner with friends in the theater, listening to the awards ceremony hosted by her theater director, and screaming with unbridled passion when next year's musical, Mamma Mia, was announced!  This musical is one of Lia's absolute favorites and one that she was hoping and wishing she would get a chance to perform in before graduating from high school.  Needless to say, she came home last night on Cloud 9 and has not stopped singing ABBA music since!

Lia posing with some of her drama friends, Emily in the back and the two Isabelle's to her right.

Lia with her dear friend, Cedar.

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