Monday, March 23, 2009

13th Month Update...

Lia's babybook had a page devoted to her progress in every area I could think of for the first twelve months of her life....but nothing past that point. Yesterday, she turned 13 months old and I was kinda at a loss because I had mentally been tracking all of her little developments the past four weeks, but had nowhere to record them! Ahhhhh. So, as long as this is a habit, I thought that I would continue with it until I get burned out or it slowly fades from my memory. Plus, she started doing some really cute and funny things this past month that I didn't want to forget. So, here goes Lia's Top Ten for month #13 (in no particular order):
1. She walks on her knees all the time--especially when carrying a book (which she can't do while crawling).
2. She learned to wave "bye bye" and does it sometimes at the appropriate moment when a person is leaving OR just whenever she feels like giving her little hands an exercise.
3. She said her first word...."Uh oh" and says it all the time now.
4. She is a Dancing Queen. Abba would be so proud! She dances all the time when she hears music whether it is on TV or coming from one of her toys.
5. She has started to snuggle soft items like her teddy bear or the blankets in her crib. So cute!
6. She cut her fifth tooth on March19th without making a peep! Halellujah!
7. She has gotten really proficient at eating all table foods and only eats a fruit babyfood in her morning cereal now (this is just to help me get those five servings a day into her mouth).
8. She has started to take a few steps here and there...mainly with the help of her parents when they are facing each other on opposite couches in the family room.
9. She has fallen in love with her books and reads, reads, and reads on her own. It's the cutest thing. She actually prefers flipping through her board books more than playing with her toys. Her English teacher parents are quite proud.
10. She taught herself how to crawl down the stairs backwards. We had nothing to do with this one, I promise! Yes, I do believe that we are raising our own little prodigy. :-)

1 comment:

  1. It is so fun to hear of Lia, and her MOM, going through all these cute milestones. Kind of makes me sad that I will never go through them again with my own baby! But that's what the baby books are for right? ha ha
