Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It's Official!

Although it has secretly been in the works for almost a month now, Ron officially found out yesterday that he will be one of the two new assistant principals at his current high school next year! We are so excited and thrilled about this news. All of his hard work this past school year has finally paid off. And, on a selfish note, I am pleased as punch as this step in his career means that I get to QUIT WORKING and become a full-time mommy for the first time in my bloody life. Hallelujah!


  1. Sweet Lise! The happy day has arrived! Ron is the MAN. You must be so proud!! This made my night. Please convey my congratulations!!

  2. Oh MY GOODNESS!!! YAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!! I am so happy for you, and I'm sure Lia is happy for you too! Congrats to Ron on the new job and to you both for working so incredibly hard this last year! Phew!

  3. What wonderful news! I'm soooo happy for you both, congrats!
