Monday, April 23, 2012

This Just In!

At ten weeks old, Mr. Logan SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT for the first time last night!!  Hallelujah!  I am so thrilled!  I put him to bed at 10:30 and he slept all the way til 7:30 this morning.  That's a woppin' nine hours.  This is always a major turning point in my baby's life as well as mine.  I still remember the day that Lia did it for the first time at eight weeks old and she was sleeping through the night consistently within two weeks.  So, here's to hoping that Logan will follow in his big sister's footsteps and be doing the same thing by the time he turns three months old.  Once that happens, I will be 100% human again which is something both my family and I can't wait for!

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