Monday, February 11, 2019

1 Month Old!

Well, we've made it!  We have survived the first month of Emmett's life.  I don't care what anyone else says, the first month of all of my babies' lives have been some of the hardest of my life.  I love my sleep, I love routine, I love predictability, and I love not being in pain.  The first month of all of our children's lives cause the opposite of all of these things to happen.  But, even with that said, I do love our baby Emmett.  He is such a sweet and adorable baby and we are all so glad to have him in our family.  He really has not changed much since we brought him home from the hospital a month ago.  He still sleeps a lot, eats a lot, dirties his diaper a lot, and cries a lot (when he is awake and not being held).  However, in the past week, he has started to make a little progress.  Emmett now can lay awake (in his bouncy chair, the couch, or on our bed) for 10 to 20 minutes without crying.  He will just happily lay there and look around which is such a blessing.  Emmett has also has grown to love his bedtime bath.  He does not like being naked, but the second I place him in the warm baby bath tub, he immediately stops crying and is happy the entire time he is in the water.  It is really quite cute.  We have also discovered in the past week or two that Emmett does in deed have BLUE eyes which is such a surprise and so much fun!  He also loves his pacifier and will happily suck on it unless he is hungry and wants food instead.  We introduced him to the baby swing in the past week and he also will happily swing back and forth in it at times before deciding he is done with it and starts crying.  Emmett takes several naps throughout the day and wakes up 3 to 4 times a night for feeding.  There have only been a handful of nights where he has only woken up twice a night to eat.  The other thing that Emmett has been doing during the night the past week or so that I am NOT a fan of is waking up in between feedings for no apparent reason.  The pacifier will not help him fall back asleep, so I am then required to rock him back to sleep.  As a result, there are nights that I am awake every hour after midnight for the rest of the night which leaves me so tired the next day.  If it weren't for being able to take an afternoon nap every day, I would be a complete mess.  Thank heavens that Ella will quietly watch television every day while Emmett and I nap before the kids come home from school.  This has saved me.  And that is the first month of Emmett's life in a nutshell.  I am hoping that this next month will bring some more positive changes--especially in the sleeping department at night time!

Emmett hanging out on his new "monthly milestone blanket" that was a gift from Ron's brother and his wife.

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