Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Mama's Birthday

Well, another year has come and gone.  It's hard to believe it as time is just flying by so fast these days.  As as stay-at-home mom with little ones at home, birthdays can feel just like any other day, so I am grateful for my kids, my mom, and my husband who all did some things to help me feel special and loved today.  But, overall, baby Emmett has been the greatest birthday gift that I could have ever asked for this year.  To be blessed with a healthy and happy baby at my stage of the game and with my history of miscarriages has truly been such a gift from Heavenly Father.  I count my blessings every day to have him in my life and as a part of our family.
And, with that said, here is a break down of my 43rd birthday (gasp!)...

My mom kept up with her annual tradition of coming down to Puyallup to take the kids and me to a park for a picnic lunch that she has prepared.  I know that I say this every year, but we were blessed with beautiful weather yet again!  I checked Lia and Logan out of school after picking Ella up from preschool and off we went to one of our favorite parks in town.  We enjoyed a delicious lunch before the kids played in playground and joined grandma and me on a walk around the park.  Here I am about to blow out my one candle with the kids at my side.

The three big kids sitting on one of the spinning toys in the park.

Logan climbing away.

Lia, Logan, and Ella all in a row.

Lia up high!

Ella climbing around.

Logan playing down by the creek on our walk around the park.

Ella hugging a tree.  You can't get more Washington than that!

My mom and me and her 14th grandchild.

Crossing the bridge with the best, four gifts I have ever been given!

After I checked the older two kiddos back in school, my mom and I came home with Ella and Emmett.  After I got Emmett down for his nap and Ella situated with her afternoon, TV time, my mom helped me sweep out our garage which is also an annual, birthday tradition.  I just love how a clean garage looks and feels!  After my mom left, Ron was able to come home from work earlier in the afternoon than usual with Indian food and cupcakes from my favorite bakery in town.  After dinner, I enjoyed opening up a few gifts and reading some cards from Ron and the children.

Thanking Ella for her sweet, handmade card.

Reading Logan's card out loud.

Giving my boy a kiss on the head!

Opening up some short-sleeved, tunic shirts that I was in need of to wear with my leggings this summer.  Please notice Ella wearing my new necklace around her head like a headband.

When I was done opening the gifts, we noticed that Emmett (who is now grabbing on to everything) was holding one of my shirts with his cute little hand.  We thought it was the funniest thing when Lia picked him up and off he went with my shirt in tow.  Here is funny picture that Ron got of the two of them and my 'stolen shirt.'

A darling close-up of my oldest and youngest.

After presents and cards, we finished off the celebrations by eating the delicious cupcakes that Ron had brought home.  Here is a picture of the clever, "43" candles that he put on my cupcake before singing "Happy Birthday" to me.

Singing away!

Blowing out my '43' candles!  Thank you to my family for a wonderful day!

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