Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mother's Day 2019

We wrapped up a beautiful, Mother's Day weekend this evening.  Ron and the kids really did a nice job of making me feel special and appreciated.  Yesterday, I was able to slip away during Emmett's afternoon nap to get a pedicure which was pure heaven since the bottom of my feet look and feel like sand paper these days.  It is just so easy to neglect myself during this busy, mom stage of life.  After taking Ella and Logan to a birthday party after dinner, we got the kids to bed by 9 p.m. and stayed up until midnight (something we have not done once since the baby was born) to watch the movie, Glass, the sequel to the M. Night Shyamalan's movie, Split, that came out a few years ago and which we absolutely loved.  Ron and I have both enjoyed watching this talented man's movies and one only comes out every few years.  I was so bummed when I learned that his latest movie was being released the week of my due date with Emmett as I immediately knew that we would not be able to go see it in the theaters.  As a result, I asked if we could watch it this weekend since it had recently been released as a rental.  I woke up today and was able to stay in bed with Emmett while the kids helped Ron make a delicious Mother's Day breakfast of eggs, sausage, cinnamon rolls, and fruit.  After breakfast, we headed off to church where I was able to go back to Relief Society and enjoy a lunch and listen to an enlightening message prepared by the presidency.  After church, we took some family pictures outside of the house before heading back in for lunch and gift opening.  After a slow afternoon, we packed up and headed off to Chris' house to spend the evening with the rest of my family (minus my dad who was driving back from Utah).  All of the men contributed to the dinner and Chris barbecued delicious salmon and shrimp on his grill which tasted so good it was like eating at a restaurant!  After dinner and dessert, we left the younger kiddos at home under Garrett's and Bryce's supervision to head down to the beach to see the property that Chris and Natalee have recently bought where they will build their dream home in the next year.  As funny as it was to leave our kids with these two, older boys, they actually did a great job watching them and led the children in playing 'Sharks and Minnows' and 'Capture the Flag' while Ron and I enjoyed a relaxing walk on the beach at sunset with baby Emmett in arms.  It totally felt like a slow and lazy summer evening and made us all itchy for summer to come.  It was the perfect way to end this special day!

The kids and I sitting down at the table for breakfast.

Ella, Emmett, and I getting ready to eat.

Since it was so warm the day before, Logan opted to only wear his pajama bottoms to bed.  Hence the topless picture with Lia in the background.  He is such a silly boy.

Posing outside with the four great reasons why I get to celebrate this special day!

Another shot of the children and me in our 'Sunday best.'

Just like my birthday a few days ago, I enjoyed reading all of the cards and opening all of the gifts that the children had made for me.  Here I am reading Ella's card that she made at preschool.

Listening to Lia explain the gift she made for me at Activity Days.

Reading Logan's awesome, pull-out card that he made for me at school.

And, lastly, reading the family card that Ron bought and everyone signed.

A final, funny shot that Ron snapped of Logan while sitting on our other couch.  Although he is making a silly face, I can't get over how grown-up and handsome he looks!  I decided not to take my camera to Chris' house tonight as I just wanted to enjoy the evening and not worry about being behind the camera.  As a result, I don't have any pictures of the group eating dinner, playing in the yard, or walking on the beach, but it was a beautiful way to spend my Mother's Day evening.  Thank you to my family for making it so wonderful!

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