Wednesday, March 3, 2021

A Boy without Pants!

Some time since Christmas, Emmett has gotten into the habit of taking off his pants during the day.  I have no idea what inspired this or why he likes to do this except for the fact that it might just be more comfortable to not have a tight band around his waist or fabric on his legs.  Regardless, it is a common sight to see him running around with nothing but a long sleeve shirt and a diaper on.  In fact, he often times gets thrown in the car looking like this when I have to shuttle one of his siblings to or from somewhere.  Whenever we pull back up in the garage, Emmett will often times escape out into the front yard before I have a chance to shut the garage door.  So, now several of my neighbors have seen him in this ridiculous outfit, too.  Fortunate for me, he is child #4 and I no longer care what anyone thinks of me or how I parent my children.  As a result, I let Emmett get his kicks running around barefoot and pantless in my front yard for a minute or two before I decide it is time to come in due to it just still being too cold outside for this kind of outfit (or lack thereof).  However, this is the hilarious scene that I spotted inside our house the other day while Emmett was watching his current, favorite movie, Frozen II.  For some reason, he decided to grab the baby doll stroller and put it on top of the coffee table.  He then proceeded to climb on top of the table without his pants on while watching the movie for several minutes.  I just thought it was the funniest thing and managed to snap a few pictures before Emmett realized that I was spotted him.  I just can't get over how funny this little, two-year old of mine is.  What to do with him?!

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