Wednesday, March 17, 2021

St. Patty's Day 2021

Since St. Patrick's Day was the first holiday that occurred just a few days after everything shut down last year due to the pandemic, it was hard to believe that this holiday was already here again.  How has an entire year gone by and how is it possible that two of my three older children are still not in school full-time?!  But, that is a subject for an entirely different post.  
After waking up to the usual mess made by Lucky, our leprechaun, the children enjoyed eating a bowl of Lucky Charms before heading out to school.  Since the luck of the Irish seemed to be on our side, Lia, Logan, and Ella all were able to go to school on this silly and funny holiday.  Lia wore a sweatshirt with some splotches of green on it while Logan wore his one and only, long sleeved green shirt.  On the other hand, Ella got all decked out from head to toe including FIVE hair bands and bows that were green, the St. Patrick's Day shirt that I bought her for school last year that she never got to wear, a green necklace, the darling, St. Patrick's Day skirt from her older cousin, Kelsey, and brand new green socks that our leprechaun had left behind this morning.  She sure look adorable in all of her green glory!  After a day away at school (or half a day in Lia's case), we enjoyed sitting around the table and feasting on our traditional, St. Patrick's Day dinner of corned beef, potatoes, cabbage, broccoli, green juice, and homemade sugar cookies decorated with green frosting and sprinkles.  It was the perfect way to end this day!  Here are a few pictures from our green day of fun.

The mess and some treats that Lucky, the leprechaun, left for the kids in the kitchen.

Although Lia was too tired to get out of bed (can anyone say teenager?), Logan, Ella, and Emmett were very excited to run downstairs to see what kid of mess that our leprechaun had left behind.  Here they are standing in front of the kitchen table with chairs knocked over and toilet paper strung everywhere.

Even Emmett's high chair was not spared from Lucky's shenanigans.  He wrapped it in toilet paper and covered the tray in shamrocks and gold coins.

Since Lia now knows the "truth" about Lucky, I was able to get her to help me make the messes on the main floor last night after the other three children had gone to bed.  She came up with some clever and unique ideas that I have never thought of like putting the toilet paper on the floor of the bathroom in the shape of a heart.  Logan, Ella, and Emmett were quite fascinated with this.

As always, Lucky peed in the toilet and the kids loved it!

Although Ella's jacket covered up a lot of her outfit, here is a picture of my adorable, 1st grader all decked out in green as she was about to run off to school this morning.

A picture of our delicious, St. Patty's day dinner before we sat down and ate it.  And, yes, I know that the fork, spoon, and knife are all on the wrong side of the plate.  I'll blame that on Lucky or how tired I am these days...

The kids and me eating our Irish dinner.

Logan decided to break out his amazing straw glasses during dinner which was perfect since they are green!  We couldn't get over how amazing it was to watch the juice go all the way up the long straw and around his eyes before ending up in his mouth!

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