Today, we hosted a Little Mermaid themed birthday party for Ella and her friends. As I mentioned in previous hosts, I decided earlier this school year that I was going to host friend parties for all three of my older children whether it was legal or not in our state due to my frustrations with how many wonderful opportunities and activities have been cancelled from their lives since last March. Luckily, parents have been really responsive to our invitations and most of them have allowed their sons or daughters to come and join us. Out of the eleven friends we invited to Ella's party, only one parent was not comfortable sending their daughter to an indoor party at this time. Two other friends were not available and so we hosted eight of Ella's friends today which turned out to be the perfect, manageable number of little girls.
Although we replaced friend parties for Logan and Lia last February (right before the pandemic) with a family trip to the Great Wolf Lodge over President's weekend, Ella was the one child who was still going to have one. Since everything shut down on March 13th, we sadly had to cancel her party that we had planned for March 28th. I had already bought everything that I needed for her Ariel-themed birthday party and so I promised her that we would just host it a few months later when things had calmed down from the pandemic. Oh, how wrong I was! After realizing that nothing was getting better in our state by the summer, I sadly had to tell Ella that we would not be having a 6-year old, friend birthday party for her and that we would need to wait until her 7th birthday. Luckily, she took it pretty well, but was so anxious and excited to finally have it be "her turn" to celebrate her birthday after watching all three of her siblings have their birthdays in January and February.
After talking about it all week long, Ella was so excited to help me decorate for her party last night and this morning. She also couldn't get enough of watching me decorate her fancy, Ariel cake with her new Barbie doll on top. Thanks to reusing a bunch of decorations and game ideas from Lia's, Little Mermaid party back in 2013, it really wasn't a lot of work for me to plan and pull off this party which I was so grateful for. We asked her friends to come wearing a princess dress of their choice and everyone did except for one girl. They all looked so cute coloring, crafting, and playing games in their beautiful, sparkly gowns. They all were so well behaved and pleasant and quite a joy to host and, most of all, Ella looked like she was having a great time. At the end of the party, several parents told me how grateful they were to us for hosting this party as it has been the only party all school year long that their daughter has been invited to. And, I couldn't agree more. It was just so nice to see a group of girls inside my house for a few hours playing and having fun with each other. This pandemic has really made me appreciate the little things in life!

Ella all dressed up in Lia's old Ariel costume in front of our door before the party started.
A close-up of our darling, almost-seven-year-old.
This is the beautiful "Welcome" sign that Ella drew all on her own. I couldn't get over how creative this picture was with the two mermaids sitting on a rock with seaweed growing up the sides of it.
The kitchen table all decked out and ready to go.
A close-up of the larger table complete with the Ariel cake and confetti and Little Mermaid figures that we used at Lia's birthday party eight years ago.
Although I made this same cake for Lia with a different Ariel, Barbie doll eight years ago, it was just as fun to make for Ella. Luckily, I learned a few things the last time I made it and was able to frost it a lot quicker this time around.
Another angle of the cake showing the sea flowers, starfish, and anemones that I frosted on the rock.
The awesome, jumbo, Ariel balloon that Ella insisted be tied to her chair.
The centerpiece that we made out of our Little Mermaid, plush Tsum Tsums on the smaller table.
I reused the same mantle decorations from Lia's mermaid party last month for Ella's party with the exception of a new banner.
I ordered a digital copy of this banner off of Etsy, printed and cut it out, and strung it on curly ribbon. I thought it turned out quite cute!
The group shot I took of all of the girls lined up in their princess dresses with face masks on. I just couldn't resists taking this group picture as it shows what a crazy and strange time we are still living in during the midst of this Covid-19 pandemic.
As the girls arrived, Ella led them to the family room where they chose an Ariel picture to color as the first activity. Here is the group coloring away after everyone arrived.
Three of Ella's friends from school, Ainsley, Madelyn, and Elise, coloring away.
Amelia, Aria, and Ella working on their pictures.
After coloring, we took the group out into the garage to complete their craft. I found a sand art activity that required them to fill shell-shaped necklaces with different colors of sand. I thought that this was a perfect activity for a mermaid-themed party.
Logan was the one boy who was "invited" to the party. He was a good sport being around all of these girls for two hours and seemed to really enjoy himself. Here he is filling his shell with many shades of more boyish colors like black, red, and yellow.
Brinley, Ella, and Madelyn crafting away.
Ainsley and Elise filling their necklaces with the sand.
After finishing the craft, we took the group back inside to play four games with an Ariel twist. The first one was trying to drop a little figure of Flounder in a glass jar from three different levels. Lia, who now always helps me with Logan's and Ella's parties, was a great support for the girls as they climbed up on the tallest stool.
Poppy dropping Flounder in the jar.
Elise giving it a try!
We then played "hot mermaid" (instead of "hot potato") for several rounds while listening to music from The Little Mermaid movie. Here is Logan passing the Ariel doll to Brinley.
Ella passing the doll to Ainsley.
After playing "hot mermaid," we moved back into the hallway to play a round of "Pin-the-Sebastian-on-the-Poster." Ron was in charge of spinning all of the girls three times around before sending them out to place their crab sticker on the spot of their choice. It was quite funny to see how many put their sticker on the walls on both sides of the door where the poster was hanging.
The group of princesses all lined up waiting their turn.
Due to Covid, we asked that all of the girls bring their own bandana or eye mask to wear so that we didn't spread any unnecessary germs. Here is Ron putting Elise's face mask on her.
The last game we had the girls play was "hide the seashell" instead of our family favorite, "hide the thimble." The girls all got such a kick out of playing this game.
Ella standing high on the couch to get a better view while the rest of the girls look around for the seashell.
Logan now on the couch while the rest of the group searched down low.
After games, Ella opened up all of her presents with the gift giver sitting at her side. She got some wonderful gifts and activities from her friends. Here is Ella opening up Elise's gift--a Disney, princess Lego set!
Ella reading a handmade card from Aria.
Ella opening up Amelia's gift complete with an LOL doll and crystal-growing kit. Since I refuse to buy them, Ella was so excited to get another LOL doll!
Lastly, we finished off the party with eating cake and ice cream. Here is Ella sitting next to her very tall, Ariel cake waiting for the group to sing to her.
Ella blowing out her candles!
The entire group enjoying their cake and ice cream!
Since one of the neighbor girls went home early, a spot opened up for Lia at the table. As a result, she was able to eat at the table between Amelia and Poppy after helping Ron and me pass out the food.
Logan, Brinley, and Aria pausing their eating for a photo.
Ainsley, Elise, and Madelyn eating at the small table at the end.
Ariel literally dove out of her cake at the end of the party. Every time I make one of these Barbie cakes, the doll ends up doing this after I cut the front half of the cake. It always makes us laugh!
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