Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Dr. Suess's Birthday!

For many years now, my children's school has encouraged the students to dress up as a favorite book character or any book character of their choice on Dr. Suess's birthday.  Some years, my kids participate and, other years, they do not.  This year, Ella and Logan were lucky enough to have school on March 2nd.  Although I tried to convince Logan to dress up as a pirate (since there are many books out there with pirate characters), he simply was not interested.  However, it was no surprise that Ella was ALL in!  Although I would have expected her to dress up as a Disney princess or Fancy Nancy or Pinkalicious or another feminine, book character, Ella totally surprised me with her choice of wanting to dress up as a racoon.  Years ago, we bought an adorable, racoon costume at a garage sale hosted by our friends who live up the hill.  Unfortunately, Lia always had another Halloween costume of choice in mind during her years that she fit it.  As a result, it never got worn before she outgrew it.  Although it is a size 12, Ella declared that we were going to make it work for her and quickly realized that there is a racoon character in the Little Owl's board books series that we own and LOVE.  So, after much pinning of the sleeves and bodice of the dress this morning (to make it several inches shorter), Ella pranced off to school today completely uninhibited with one of the Little Owl's books in her backpack to share with her class.  She looked so darling, complete with a racoon, face mask and striped tights.  I just love this young age when my children are so excited about everything and don't care what anyone thinks of them.  If only, this could last forever...

These are the darling pictures that Ella's teacher sent out at a later date of all of the students who dressed up as a character next to the book that their character is from.  Here is Ella pictured between two boys who dressed up as characters from Pokemon and Magic Tree House books.

Two of Ella's closest friends from her 1st grade class...Gauge dressed up as Woody and Ainsley dressed up as Piggie.

Ella's other good friend from her class this year is Madelyn who dressed up as Harry Potter along with two other students who came to school dressed as Captain Awesome and Fancy Nancy.

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