Tuesday, May 11, 2021

2 and 1/3 Years Old!

Since I made it a tradition to continue writing quarterly updates on Lia until she turned 5 years old and on Logan and Ella until they turned 4 years old, I am going to attempt to do the same thing for Emmett.  The only difference is that I am planning on writing these posts every four months instead of every three months to try to keep things a bit easier for me.  Since I am the busiest and the most tired of my mothering career, time will only tell if I will be able to keep this up with my fourth and final child!
Where to even begin with my Emmett Keller?  He is such a busy, rambunctious, and funny kid.  He seriously thinks that he is just one of the older kids and that he can do everything they do and can say everything they say.  He has such a silly and funny personality and he just makes us laugh every day. Physically, Emmett is just huge to say the least.  At his two year check-up, he was in the 92nd percentile for height and 89th for weight.  As a result, he is just this little, stalky tank of a boy, but he is so dang cute!  He continues to be an eating machine and only refuses some meats, fruits, or vegetables on a rare occasion.  He also continues to take a long afternoon nap every day and sleeps from 9 p.m. until around 7 a.m. every night.  He normally wakes up at least once a night and either will lay right back down once he is plugged in with the pacifier or requires a rocking in the chair for about 10 or so minutes until he has fallen back to sleep.  Although the latter is NOT my favorite thing, I have been grateful that I have been sleeping better in the last month or so and can usually fall back asleep in my bed within a minute or two of putting him back in his crib.
Emmett, unfortunately, started crawling out of his crib at naptime, bedtime, and once in the middle of the night right after I returned home from my East Coast trip with Lia last month.  Since this is a major disruption in my life, I broke out childproof locks and put them on the inside of his closet door and regular door the first day it happened.  However, this still gave him the freedom to get out of bed and roam around his room making a mess or keeping Logan awake.  As a result, we invested in one of those elaborate, crib tents from Amazon for the first time in our parenting career and it saved our lives!  Although Emmett was very upset about it the first two days that it was on his crib, he quickly adjusted and now is perfectly content being "zipped up" at nap time and bed time.  I am so grateful for this modern invention and how it restored order to our home within two days of it arriving on our doorstep!
Besides Emmett's sleeping shenanigans, he continues to love all things choo choo.  Trains are hand's down his favorite thing although he loves trucks, scoopers, and other large machines.  He loves being read to at nap time and bedtime and can be very quiet and calm if someone is holding him or playing with him one-on-one.  Emmett also has recently discovered coloring and puzzles and will happily sit down and work on one of those if given the opportunity.  It is so reassuring to me to see that he has a calm and focused side to his personality.  Emmett also loves dancing to music while driving in the car, has gotten into the nasty habit of throwing silverware, plates, and sippy cups off of his high chair during meals, and also shrugs his shoulders in the cutest way when he is being shy or just plain silly.
Emmett continues to love to do anything active--both inside and outside of the house.  He loves playing hide-and-go-seek, riding his bike, playing on the playground, and playing any sort of make believe game with Ella or Logan.  He also has fallen in love with our two neighbor girls, Poppy and Daisy, and gets excited any time their names are mentioned.  In fact, we had to recently start speaking in code and referring to them as "P & D" so that he doesn't grab his shoes and run to the front door thinking that it is time to go to their house and play every time we say their names.  In addition, Poppy and Daisy's dad had to install a door with a latch on the secret gate that is found in the back corner of the fence we share with them.  Ever since Emmett discovered it last month, we were constantly "losing" him whenever he would go outside to play in the backyard due to him sneaking over to play alone in their backyard without ever telling us.  After a few scares, we requested that their dad install a door and are so grateful that Emmett no longer has the option of sneaking over to their yard without supervision.
Everyone in our family still just adores Em Bemms and thinks that he is the cutest thing around.  I love how all three of my older children still love him so much and, for the most part, are totally fine when asked to play with him or watch him whenever needed.  He lights up our lives everyday and I am still so grateful that Heavenly Father sent him to our family over two years ago!

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