Saturday, May 1, 2021

Logan's WA Cup Soccer Tournament

Logan just wrapped up his first season of club soccer this weekend by competing in a 3-game tournament out in Ravensdale near Maple Valley.  Luckily, his team was scheduled to play in one game on Friday and two games on Saturday, avoiding the need to miss the last game on Sunday.  Overall, I have been so impressed with this new league called the Titans that we moved Logan over to in January.  They were so much more organized and efficient compared to the other league that we used for years for Lia and then this past Fall for Logan.  Although I know that a lot of this had to do with the difference playing club soccer versus rec soccer, but it still was such a refreshing change for me.  In addition, I was just so grateful to have Logan participate in a real sport for the first time since March of last year when he wrapped up his basketball season one week before everything was shut down due to Covid.  In addition, it was so nice to have him play soccer this winter when he really didn't get a real soccer season this fall (12 practices and no games) and when his regular basketball season was cancelled due to the pandemic.  It really was an answer to prayers for me.  It also was such a blessing to be able to recruit two of his good friends from school, Benton and Bennett, to play on this same team.  I know that Logan loved spending time with his friends each week since he barely saw them at school (due to how strict recess play time is right now) and I loved sharing the driving responsibilities with two other families.  
With all of that said, the parents of these two friends decided not to sign up for the summer/fall season with the Titans due to the high price tag and the requirement to practice and play over the summer.  Although I was willing to make the commitment knowing that Logan would miss several practices and one of the three summer tournaments due to being in North Carolina, I was persuaded to also make the change when I heard that his two friends were returning to the old, rec soccer league and that one of the dads (who is a high school, PE teacher) would be coaching their team.  Being able to carpool holds its weight in gold for me due to the busy, afterschool world of multiple activities that I currently live in with three older children.  So, we are reluctantly saying 'goodbye' to the Titans Club League for the time being and are grateful for the extra exercise, socializing, and soccer skills that Logan gained from them these past four months in the dead of the winter and early spring.

Logan sitting on the sidelines with some of his teammates during his 1st game today.

Logan getting ready to go after the ball.

Logan making a funny gesture to his friend, Benton, while they waited on their end of the field while playing defense.

Logan chasing down the ball.

Running with the group.

Going after another ball before it went out of bounds.

Fighting for the ball with two other players.

Logan walking across the field towards me at the end of this game.

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