Friday, April 12, 2019

3 Months Old!

Well, it's hard to believe this little sweet pea of ours is already three months old.  Part of me feels like it has gone so fast, but another part of me can't remember what life was like when I was able to sleep through the night undisturbed on a regular basis.  But I digress...
Our little Emmett continues to just grow and progress. The biggest update of this last month of his life is how much he smiles and coos.  If he is fed and rested and has someone to interact with, he will just smile and coo over and over again and it is just the most adorable thing.  We all love it and just can't get enough of it.  A couple of times, Emmett has even done a partial laugh when smiling to some of us.  So, I know that his first, real laugh is coming soon!  Emmett continues to grow bigger.  He is now in size 2 diapers and moving into size 3-6 month clothes.  He has slept through the night 3 times and only wakes up for one feeding between the hours of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. (usually around 4 or 5 a.m.) on other nights.  Emmett has also started grabbing for things like our hands or the blanket or the little mobile that hangs from his bouncy chair and constantly kicks his legs and flaps his arms when he is awake.  He has also gotten some bald spots on his head (from laying on his back too much), but has some "new growth" coming in on the top of his head.  Emmett has started to get into a loose routine of taking a long morning/early afternoon nap after being up for 2 hours in the morning.  This nap is usually 2 to 3 hours long.  After waking up in the early afternoon, he usually will take two or so catnaps in the afternoon and evening before going down for the night at 10 p.m.  I love the predictability of schedules and the fact that he is starting to get on one.  He also still loves his nightly bath and has continued to be content more and more when he is "on his own" and not being held.  I can now go through most of the day without hearing him cry unless he has been laying on the couch, bed, or bouncy chair for a long time on his own.  This is such a relief to me.  Everyone is just crazy about our Emmy Boy and we can't get enough of him!

Here is Emmett striking a pose on his 'monthly blanket.'

Emmett smiled for me in so many of the pictures that I took of him that he made it hard for me to chose.

My little boy smiling away.

And another one with his cute tongue showing!

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