Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Lia's First Pinewood Derby

Awhile ago, the other counselor in our primary presidency suggested that the girls have a chance to participate in a Pinewood Derby.  Since this is a long-standing tradition with the Boy Scouts in our church, I was all for the girls getting to compete in one of their own!  Luckily, our current Activity Day leader agreed to this and the date was set and the Pinewood Derby kits were sent home.  Since Lia does not have any older brothers and has never had the chance to attend one of these races, she was pretty unenthused about the entire thing.  However, knowing that she would love participating in one, I pushed her to go ahead with it and made sure that Ron and her scheduled in enough time over the Easter weekend to make her car.  Since Ron didn't have the opportunity to grow up as a Boy Scout, this was also a new experience for him, too.  However, it didn't take him much time to do some research on YouTube (which plays the role of his "dad" that he never had) and figured out a plan for Lia's car.  After a few hours in the shop last Saturday, Ron produced a shiny, red race car complete with an American Girl Doll, star sticker on top which was very fittig for Lia.  Tonight was the actual event at the church.  Ron arrived early with Lia, Logan, and Ella for the "weighing in of the cars" while I arrived a few minutes later after feeding Emmett.  We then spent a funfilled evening watching everyone's cars make multiple trips down the track.  Although Lia's did not come to close to winning, she had a great time participating and is already wishing that she could participate next year.  Sadly, she will be too old and on to bigger and better things in the Young Women's program, but you better believe that Logan is already foaming at the mouth to have his chance to race his pirate-themed Pinewood Derby car!  And, yes, the two, miniature pirate ships have already been ordered off of ebay and are on their way from China!  I think that this poor boy is going to die of impatience in the mean time. :-)

Lia getting ready to place her car on the race track before one of her heats.

Putting her car on the track.

Waiting for Angela to send the cars down!

The primary provided little, race flags for all of the children to hold.  Logan managed to get Emmett to hold his flag for a minute or two which we all thought was the cutest thing!

Lia and her friend, Isabel, proudly showing off their cars.

Lia and the other girls her age (Isabel, Suzette, and Eve) who she has gone to church and participated in Activity Days with for many years.

A close-up of Lia and her car next to the "stop light" photo backdrop.

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