Wednesday, December 11, 2019

11 Months Old!

I know that I say this every month, but I cannot believe that my baby boy is almost one year old!  How on earth did this happen?!  The last year has just raced by in a blur of children, activities, trips, commotion, and chaos.  We have just been so busy ever since Emmett was born, but I have truly tried to savor every bit of it as I know that he will be a walking and talking toddler in a matter of months who will have very little interest in cuddling with me or sleeping in my arms.  Most nights when I nurse him before bed time, he will fall asleep in my arms (either while he is nursing or after I rock him to sleep).  I usually will just hold him afterwards for 10 to 15 minutes before I put him to bed in his crib for the night.  I just stare at his sweet, sleeping face and try every night to freeze this picture in my mind forever.  I just love him so much and am so grateful that Heavenly Father sent him to our family so late in the game and after so many years of waiting.  *Sigh*  He has truly been the best, Christmas gift for me this year.  
So what is Emmett like at 11 months old?  He is really a happy, busy baby.  He loves crawling around our house and getting into as much as he can.  His favorites are the toilet and the open dish washer which he can be found playing in the second we turn our backs.  He has mastered how to crawl up and down the one step that goes down into our living room and also how to climb the stairs.  As a result, the baby gate has officially been installed at the bottom of the stairs.  Emmett also can stand for a good 5 to 10 seconds on his own when he is concentrating.  He eats like a champ and has a huge appetite.  Emmett will eat basically anything we put on his tray for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  With the exception of using fruit baby food mixed with his baby cereal, he eats table foods 100% of the time now.  Emmett also is totally into a routine and will take a morning and afternoon nap and then is up all evening long until I put him to bed most nights around 8:30 or 9 p.m.  He sleeps through the night about half of the time and needs to be nursed once a night about the other half of the time.  I never ended up having him 'cry it out' since he is so on and off with the nursing-for-comfort thing and also because I hated doing this with both Logan and Ella so much.
Emmett loves clapping and banging together toys and other items he finds around the house to make noise.  He loves playing with toys and will sit for several minutes and just play if someone will sit down next to him.  He is getting so big and really just looks like such a 'big baby.'  He wears size 3 diapers and size 12 months clothes.  Emmett also loves patting our backs when we carry him (which I love) and he said his first word last night which was "Uh Oh."  (the story behind that is in a different post).  Ron will disagree with this as he has gotten Emmett to say, "Da Da," several times.  However, every time Emmett has said "Da Da" he was just copying the sound Ron was saying instead of really saying it in context (like trying to get Ron's attention).  So the kids and I all agree that he really said his first word last night which was quite a few months earlier than the rest of our children.  Overall, we just love our Emmy Bems to death and are so excited to celebrate his first Christmas with him!

Here are a few pictures that I took with Emmett on his monthly, milestone blanket with a Christmas ornament and a Santa Hat.

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