Thursday, December 26, 2019

Christmas 2019

We wrapped up Christmas season 2019 last night.  It's always so sad to see it go.  Like always, we spent Christmas Eve at my parent's house with my two Washington brothers and their families and Christmas day at home with a visit from my parents in the afternoon.  Overall, it was a wonderful holiday and a great way to spend baby Emmett's first Christmas.  We enjoyed spending Christmas Eve with my family and eating our traditional turkey dinner with all the fixings and then participating in our Christmas program complete with acting out the nativity story, singing Christmas songs, and lighting the candles on the Christmas tree.  We then spent a relaxing and peaceful Christmas morning with our own little family looking at all of the children's Santa gifts and then eating our traditional breakfast in the dining room.  After we put Emmett down for his morning nap, the rest of the us took turns opening up the gifts from underneath the tree.  After lunch and a movie, grandma and grandpa stopped to see what the children got for Christmas and to hand out their presents.  After they left, I made a Filipino dinner for us to eat in the dining room before heading off to bed.  It was a great way to spend these two special days with the people who we love most!

Our annual, Hartland family picture in front of my parent's Christmas tree.

Another family shot with both Lia and papa smiling at Emmett.

Mama and her four kiddos.

A close-up of our Christmas cutie playing with an ornament.

Grandpa graciously watched the younger grandkids during dinner while the rest of us ate in the dinging room.

Ella ringing her bell while following Natalee's direction during our family's Christmas program.

Logan and Ella pointing out when they get to ring their bells.

Baby Emmett ringing his red bell while sitting in Uncle Eric's lap.

We forgot to run downstairs and get the cradle and baby doll before starting the retelling of the nativity story.  Luckily, Brynn was able to just pick up Emmett as she and Lia walked into the room.  It was quite a cute thing to see!

Brynn (Joseph) and Lia (Mary) posing with baby Emmett while Eric read the Bible story from the Book of Matthew.

Ella waiting to enter the room as the angel who announced the Savior's birth to the shepherds.

Sweet Ella waiting to make her entrance.

Logan and Riley (the shepherds) posing next to the Angel Ella, Brynn, Emmett, and Lia.

Logan and Ella just gazing up at our two stars (Vivi and Callie) after they made their grand entrance complete with angel halos on their heads.  Oh, those silly teenagers...

A group photo once the nativity story was finished being read.

Baby Emmett sitting in grandma's lap during the program.  So sweet.

Grandma sharing a Christmas message before we sang songs.

The tree all lit up with candles while we sang "Silent Night" in English and German.

All of the grandchildren jumped at the opportunity to put out one or two candles once we were done singing.  Here is Logan taking a turn.

Ella carefully snuffing out her candle, too.

Before the children came down on Christmas morning, I managed to take a quick picture of everyone's 'Santa chair."  Here is Lia's loot.

Logan's side of the couch.

Ella's side of the couch complete with all things Frozen II.

The Christmas tree with all of the presents before they were opened.

The kids ran down the stairs when they were given permission to come on down!

Logan jumping down the stairs while Ella chased after him with her blanket on her head.

Ella taking her first peek at her Santa gifts behind me.

Lia bringing up the rear with baby Emmett in her arms.

I just love this picture of Logan and Ella seriously studying their gifts before touching anything.

Lia and Emmett checking out her gifts.

Logan proudly holding up his Playmobil pirate set.

Ella hugging her new Elsa and Anna barbie dolls.

Lia and Ella checking out their stockings.

Sweet, baby Emmett posing for me in front of the Christmas tree.

Emmett ripping off the bow.

Mama and the kids posing in front of the tree before breakfast.

Ron and the children eating our traditional, Christmas breakfast.

Ella showing off her giant set of markers that she had just opened up.

Logan modeling his pirate snow cap that he was hoping to get this Christmas.

Lia opening up one of her gifts...

a Harry Potter calendar!

Ella showing off her gift wrapped in Frozen II wrapping paper before ripping it open.

Logan opening up another gift.

Lia showing off some new books to read.

Mama posing with Logan and Ella with their handmade ornaments that they both made at school this year.

After all of the gifts had been opened and baby Emmett had woken up from his morning nap, we had the children open up a giant, group gift that had been sitting behind the couch for the past week.  Needless to say, the kids couldn't wait to rip into this.

Lia, Logan, and Ella tearing off the wrapping paper.  Inside the kids found a giant, American Girl Doll, 1950s restaurant/diner for all of them to enjoy.

Grandma posing with baby Emmett after she had arrived.

Posing with the grandparents at the end of their visit.  It was so nice to have them stop by and see us as it always makes Christmas day so much more exciting and enjoyable!

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