Friday, December 6, 2019

Lia's Recognition Assembly

We received a letter in the mail a few days ago from the kids' school stating that Lia had been chosen yet again by her current teacher to receive an award for her behavior at the student recognition assembly that happens three times a year.  As always, this is kept a secret from the students until right before the assembly.  In previous years, I have pulled Logan out of class to support Lia, but decided to keep things simple this year and just take Emmett with me.  In addition, Ron was unable to slip out of work like he has been able to do sometimes in the past.  It turned out to be a good thing as there were no seats left in the gym when Emmett and I got there a few minutes early.  I am not sure why there was such a larger crowd of parents this year, but I was grateful that I hadn't pulled both Logan and Ella out of class as there would have been no where to sit.  I found a little spot by the door where I was able to tuck the stroller into a corner and watch the assembly without being in way of students entering and exiting the assembly.  As always, Lia looked pleasantly surprised to learn that she had been chosen to receive an award.  She has always been such a respectful, conscientious, and hard working student and stands out amongst her peers every year.  Her teacher chose her to receive an award for the hard working category and wrote the following message on her certificate:  "Lia works very hard on all of her assignments, asks great questions, and keeps on trying!  She also works very hard at getting her work turned in on time!  Great job!"  Well done, Lia.  We are so proud of you!

Lia waiting on the stage to receive her award.

Standing with her classmates after getting her certificate.

Clapping for another student who was being recognized.

Lia posing after the assembly with her certificate and beloved brother who she loves to pieces.  She asked if I could accompany her all the way back to class so that she could carry Emmett down the long hallway to her classroom.  It was so cute to walk behind her and watch her proudly carrying her brother through the crowded hallway.  

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